Gender based violence
"Today, we gather to shine a light on a critical issue that affects us all: Gender-Based Violence. It's a pandemic that has ravaged our communities, leaving scars that often remain hidden. But I stand before you to say: no more silence, no more shame, and no more suffering in the shadows. Together, we can create a world where everyone can live free from fear and violence."
"GBV is a monster that wears many faces: physical, emotional, sexual, and financial. It's the slap that leaves a mark, the whisper that breaks a spirit, and the grip that chokes the life out of hope. But it's also the subtle comments, the 'jokes' that degrade, and the systemic inequalities that perpetuate power imbalances. We must recognize GBV in all its forms and stand against it. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and our future to create a culture of consent, respect, and empathy."
"So let us rise, my friends, and join hands in this fight. Let us amplify the voices o