Frequency of Sleep Disturbance and Quality of Life in Premenstrual Syndrome in Women
Chapter 8 - DISCUSSION:
The aim of this study was to find out the frequently of sleep disturbances occur in premenstrual syndrome-affected women as well as it influences overall quality of life. The majority of individuals (70.7%) in the study reported having sleep disturbances. This significant finding suggests that sleep disturbance is a prevalent issue among premenstrual syndrome-affected women. The findings of our study are consistent with earlier research by Baker et al. (2012), which illustrated the prevalence of sleep problems in this population. In contrast to our research, their study examined women during several stages of their menstrual cycles and discovered notable variations in the quality of sleep during both the luteal and follicular phases. Yet they discovered comparable outcomes in their research participants, who primarily experienced poorer sleep during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle (P > 0.05). The majority of individuals (70.7%) in the study reported having sleep disturbances(23). Similarly, a study published in 2023 reported that women with PMS slept worse, experienced more anxiety, and experienced more sorrowful emotions, demonstrating a strong correlation between PMS and sleep disturbance.(14) This is in line with the results of our study, which showed that a significant proportion of individuals had sleep disturbances. The study also discovered that sleep quality and lifestyle choices significantly influenced Met’s characteristics in women with PMS, indicating that interventions targeted at enhancing sleep quality may be able to reduce PMS symptoms. Manber et al.'s study also assessed how sleep changed during the menstrual cycle and discovered consistent findings, including a significant drop in luteal phase sleep efficiency and quality and an increase in sleep start latency. The entire sample had this increase in sleep disturbance, though, and it had nothing to do with the severity of the other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.(33) Another comprehensive evaluation of 35 publications examining the connection between menstrual disorders and sleep patterns also identified some sleep-related issues linked to dysmenorrhea and PMS, such as difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep and short sleep durations(15). This is consistent with the findings of our study, which showed that 70.7% of individuals had sleep disturbances.
The results of our study also demonstrated a strong correlation between quality of life and sleep quality. In other words, people who had good sleep were generally happier than those who experienced disturbed sleep. A study conducted on Turkish nursing students, for example, discovered a consistent result as our study with positive significant correlation between the PMSS score and mean scores of PSQI and a negative significant association between the PMSS score and the total mean score of MAQ (27). This suggests that PMS symptoms can have a major influence on quality of life, and that boosting sleep quality may help women with PMS symptoms eventually enhancing their quality of life.
The study findings and review of the literature provide a thorough understanding of the effects of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) on sleep disturbance and quality of life in women. However, certain papers in the literature review are not entirely in line with the findings of our study. For example, a 2012 study in the United States on 18 women with severe PMS and 18 controls with minimal symptoms discovered that women with PMS reported poorer subjective sleep quality during the late-luteal phase than the follicular phase, despite no corresponding objective changes in sleep quality(23). This contrasts with our study's findings, which showed that a large proportion of individuals reported disrupted sleep, showing an apparent connection between PMS and quality of sleep. In the same way, a study of Turkish nursing students discovered a negative significant relationship between the PMSS score and the overall mean MAQ score, as well as a positive significant correlation between the PMSS score and mean PSQI scores. This implies that negative beliefs regarding menstruation and poor sleep quality are related to the intensity of PMS symptoms(9). Despite this, our study found a substantial link between sleep quality and quality of life, but no significant relationship between negative attitudes towards menstruation and the intensity of PMS symptoms. This study on adolescent girls found a worse quality of life, which is also consistent with our findings(22). Moreover, a study conducted in Brazil discovered substantial discrepancies in every measure between students with and without PMDD, with the exception of physical functioning(34). This contradicts our study's findings, which showed that PMS had a significant influence on both sleep disturbance and quality of life in women, including physical functioning.