Frequency of Sleep Disturbance and Quality of Life in Premenstrual Syndrome in Women
Chapter 9 - CONCLUSION(S):
This cross-sectional research was conducted to determine frequency of Sleep Disturbance and Quality Of Life in Premenstrual Syndrome in Women” has provided significant insights into the correlation between sleep quality and quality of life among women experiencing premenstrual syndrome. The study, which involved 150 participants, having average age of 46.77 years, with a range from 40 to 53 years. The average height was 5.10 feet, and the average weight was 57.12 kg. The study findings revealed that a majority of the participants (70.7%) experienced disturbed sleep, while only a minority (29.3%) reported having good sleep. Furthermore, the study discovered a strong correlation between sleep quality and quality of life. The majority of participants (75.3%) reported a lower health-related quality of life, with barely a minority (24.7%) off all reporting a higher quality of life. The study discovered a strong correlation between sleep quality and quality of life. Participants with good quality of sleep had a higher quality of life, but those with disturbed sleep had a lower quality of life. This finding emphasizes the importance of adequate sleep in maintaining a high quality of life. In conclusion, the study throws insight on the participants' health status, highlighting issues such as obesity; poor sleep quality, and reduced quality of life. These findings highlight the importance of health treatments addressing these areas. Furthermore, the strong link between sleep quality and quality of life highlights the necessity of maintaining appropriate sleep habits in order to improve quality of life. Future study might look at the particular factors that contribute to poor sleep quality and reduced quality of life among participants, which could help guide the development of focused interventions.