Frequency of Sleep Disturbance and Quality of Life in Premenstrual Syndrome in Women
Chapter 7 - RESULTS:
The study of 150 participants provided several key insights about their health. The average age was 46.77 years, with a range from 40 to 53 years. Participants' average height was 5.10 feet, ranging from 3.90 to 5.70 feet, and their average weight was 57.12 kg, with a range from 45.00 to 75.00 kg. Regarding Body Mass Index (BMI), 68% were of normal weight, and 32% were overweight. Sleep quality showed that 29.3% had good sleep, while 70.7% had disturbed sleep. In terms of quality of life, 24.7% reported a higher health-related quality of life, and 75.3% reported a lower quality of life. A Chi-square test found a significant link between sleep quality and quality of life (P<0.05). People with good sleep tended to have a higher quality of life, while those with disturbed sleep had a lower quality of life.
the mean value of height was 5.10+.276 with a minimum value of 3.90 and maximum value of 5.70.
the mean value of weight was 57.12+7.38 with a minimum value of 45.00 and maximum value of 75.00.
Out of 150 participants it was seen that people who are 102 (68%) with normal weight and remaining 48 (32%) who were overweight.
Out of 150 participants, it was seen that there were 44 (29.3%) people with good sleep and remaining 106 (70.7%) were with disturbed sleep.
Out of 150 participants, it was seen that there were 37 (24.7%) people with higher health related quality of life and remaining 113 (75.3%) were with lower health related quality of life.
The result of this tables shows that there were higher cases of people with good sleep in higher health related quality of life. On the contrary, more cases of disturbed sleep people were seen in lower health related quality of life based on this. It was concluded that disturbance is related with quality of life (P<0.05).