Guest2024/06/01 07:28

Study Design: Observational Cross-Sectional Study.

4.2: Settings: Data was collected from University of Lahore Teaching Hospital (ULTH).

4.3: Study Duration: The study was completed in 4 months.

4.4: Sample Size: The sample size was 150 and was calculated by openepi calculator.
Sampling Technique: Non-probability sampling technique (convenient sampling) was used on account of a small period and low-budget research purpose.

4.6: Sample Selection:

4.6.1: Inclusion Criteria:

·         Women.

·         Age above 18 years.

·         Regular menstrual cycles.

·         Willingness to participate and provide informed consent.

            4.6.2: Exclusion Criteria:

·         Participants with history of hysterectomy surgical menopause females.

·         Participants with orthopedic disorder.

·         Participants taking sleeping pills.

·         Women suffer from pathological conditions for example cardiac disease, cancer impaired skin integrity.

·         Participants with history of recent bone fracture.

The rules and regulations set by the ethical committee of university of Lahore were followed while conducting the research and the rights of the research participants were respected.


·         Written informed consent attached was taken from all the participants.

·         All information and data collection was kept confidential.

·         Participants were remained anonymous throughout the study.

·         The subjects were informed that there are no disadvantages or risk on the procedure of the study.

·         They were also be informed that they will be free to withdraw at any time during the process of the study.

·         Data was kept in under key and lock while keeping keys in hand. In laptop it was kept under password.

After taking permission for data collection written informed consent were taken from all participants after explaining the study's purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits.

Participants were screened for eligibility based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Questionnaires were distributed among the participants and were explained thoroughly by the researcher.

Sleep Quality Scale (SQS) was used for administrating quality of sleep.

SF-12 questionnaire was used for administrating quality of life.

Premenstrual Symptoms Questionnaire (PMSQ) was used for administrating premenstrual syndrome.

The data was collected and was reviewed  for accuracy and missing responses.


Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The data was analyzed according to demographics.  Tests of normality were applied. Chi square test was used for finding the association between quality of life and sleep disturbance.