Impossible mixtures

Chapter 3 - Klaus

Allyxandria2021/02/20 13:34

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Klaus finally fell on his own bed he chose after arranging his corner neatly.

He placed his laptop on his study table and brought out his phone.

He dialed Kat

"Hey dummy settled in yet?"kat asked with her overly hyped voice

"Well dearest sister yes I have"Klaus sarcastically said fighting the urge to roll his eyes

"Took you long enough, I already made a few friends and am planning on moving into their house apartment or whatever they called it"her voice was louder now

"Why in heaven's name are you screaming?"Klaus asked putting his phone away from his ear a bit

"Oh sorry here's just really loud as well, everyone here acts like their in a club"she said laughing

Klaus rolled his eyes

"I can't believe it's barely the next day and your already drinking I'll have to call you when your sober"he said and she belched

"What?!no! am sober I mean am not drinking"she said lazily


"Fine I'll video call tomorrow so charge up your laptop because I'll be showing you my soon to be room, it's so cute"she said trailing off and Klaus nodded then hummed a reply when he realized she can't see him

"Bye I gotta go throw up"she said and the line went dead.

Klaus sighed dropping his phone and glanced at the other empty bed, seems the other person hasn't resumed Klaus turned to the walls.

Everywhere felt strangely cold even when he couldn't find any air conditioner anywhere.

He liked the cold a lot.

He picked the manual and read through bored

The rules were okay and normal like pretty much every boarding school college


uniforms during day time and you can do whatever, wear whatever and go where ever you wanted after and be back before 11

No fighting

No missing classes

The rest.

A part in his manual listed him as a 'special' student so his laundry would be done for him

Klaus smirked at this.

Whatever his dad did, before he came here was amazing and he'd call him later about it.

But some rules made zero sense to Klaus

No blurring

No extra drinks after collecting your weekly drink

If you lose your drink you'd have to eat regular food (rule applies to even special students)

No using powers against other kinds or members of the school

Klaus re read this over and over

What was blurring?

What do they mean by drink?

He couldn't understand why a simple word like drink sounds so different today.

And no powers? Like strength wise?or like what level you are depends on your power to boss people around?

A weird sound blasted through the air and Klaus hoped it was the bell he's been waiting for.

The dinner bell.

He got up and went down to the big cafeteria like place

I got in and got my tray for some food,I liked steak so I got much of that the lady I'd half expected to be bloated and have a mole looked up at me

"Wow you eat like wolf"she said amused at my choice of dinner and I smiled at her before walking away quickly. go

"Hey! Morgan! over here"I heard my name and I turned towards Dana waving at me from a corner

I thought of this offer for a second

She's technically the only person I know and I don't want to be a loner the first day at college

So I walked awkwardly to her

"Hey Klaus looking charming as always"she winked at me and bit her perfectly red painted lipstick

Wait is makeup allowed?

Wait do I care?

"Ughh must you flirt with everything in pants"a girl sipping a weird red smoothie like drink said

She was pale as well but had a pixie cut,black eyes and hair and red lips but maybe it was because of the smoothie

Is that cherry mixed with strawberry?

"Ignore her she's never been laid"Dana said and the pixie haircut girl scoffed

"Hey kiara"a dark skinned guy with a buzz cut with curly punk top hair sat beside the pixie cut

"What!jack?"kiara said to him and he leaned closer to her

"Can I borrow your notes"he puppy eyed her and she smiled

"Awwn my notes?NO!"she said and her smile was gone , the guy grunted.

"Come on ki-"

"Guys we have a new student here a Morgan show some respect"Dana said suddenly and they looked at me

"He's Morgan?"kiera asked dropping the smoothie

"I just yelled Morgan over here a minute ago"Dana said and they stared at me surprised

"Oh hello"they said in unison

"Hi"I said almost immediately,wondering how really influential my dad a real estate manager was.

Or maybe he's in a gang.

I think jack wanted to say something before loud squealing sounds bursted everywhere almost splitting the cafeteria in two

I saw a tall dude with best shinny white skin I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot

His black hair was like abnormally silky and shiny black

"Ughh he actually came back"kiara said with disgust in her face

"Who's he"Klaus asked still checking him out subtly.

"He's velmet's bad boy extra ordinare everyone for sure was expecting him not to come back after last year's escapades"Dana said and Klaus looked at her confused


"Maybe later we'll talk about it?"her flirting voice and demeanor had long gone so Klaus let it rest.

The bad boy like they said walked up the stairs ignoring all the squealing with his black suitcase

"I pity the poor sucker that's he's roommate"jack said and went back to coaxing a not very cooperative kiara for her notes

While Dana talked with Klaus that soon enough liked everything about her from her friendly behavior to her weird laugh.

Dinner was more exhausting than Klaus had expected because it felt like as soon as someone realized his last name was Morgan they immediately wanted to talk to him and know him

He finally got to his room with a box of the smoothie things in plastic medium sized bottles

He sat down tiredly on his bed still feeling Jet lagged

He noticed a black suitcase and he sat up immediately and followed a trail of clothes and shoes to the bed to the same bad boy laying shirtless on the bed.

Klaus nearly dropped the box shocked, he heard a light snore then he sighed thankfully.

The bad boy was sleeping

He dropped his box down and decided to take a shower and rest since he had no other place to be

"Turn it off"he suddenly heard and he jumped scared holding unto the bed

He looked at the suppose sleeping guy still eyes closed laying on the bed.

Klaus held his chest,closed his eyes and tried to breathe

"I said turn it off!"he heard again and Klaus opened his eyes and the guy was already in front of him so he fell back and hit the wall.

"Turn what off?"Klaus managed to ask the glaring guy in front of him

"That annoying ticking sound"

"Like an alarm clock,stop watch,timer?-"Klaus asked confused and the guy walked dangerously towards him and he stopped

"I don't care what it is"he said and Klaus gulped

"I don't have any ticking thing with me except my alarm clock but it doesn't make any ticking sound see?"Klaus said picking up his alarm clock ,he yanked it out of Klaus's hands and smashed it on the floor

Klaus gasped

Then he looked back at Klaus his eyebrow arched up a bit looking at his chest weirdly

The door opened suddenly

"Ughh what do you think your doing to Mr Morgan you lunatic child"the lady from before barged in pulling the guy away from Klaus

"Follow me right now to the dean, first day and your already threatening people and apparently destroying their things"she said looking at the smashed clock.

He shrugged and grabbed a shirt before walking out with the lady

Klaus sighed holding his shirt, his not very strong heart was beating alarmingly high right now

He walked into the bathroom and stood under the shower fully clothed just using the chilly water fall on him

The way he liked it

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