Impossible mixtures

Chapter 4 - ~Klaus~

Allyxandria2021/11/19 20:27

I finally opted to take a shower instead of standing under the water idly.

So I tied my towel around my waist tightly as I stepped out, his things were arranged now but he was no where in sight

I saw an inscription on the head of the bed that spelt ZAGAN. 

It seemed he must have carved it in with a knife or something

Was that his name?

Or maybe the name of his former room mate?

I thought but decided to rest for the night.

I woke up the next morning and the entire place was cold like crazy I looked around tiredly rubbing my face

The horrible bell sound came ringing in my head and I groaned throwing myself out of the semi warm comfortable bed.

Quickly took an icy shower because the damn water was worse than cold

Note to self, complain about water to dean.

It took me a while to find my class which meant I was late, the weird teacher surprisingly didn't yell at me

I sat down awkwardly on a free seat, someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to lock eyes with Dana's black shiny eyes

Of course she was the one, I almost felt followed and it was crazy.

I smiled quickly at her as she winked at me

I turned back to my book and my roommate walked in shortly wearing his uniform shirt thankfully

The weird teacher glanced at him angrily and glared

"Mr wester can you explain your lateness"she demanded and he Ignored her and walked to his seat

"Mr wes-"she stopped and just stared at him looking at her intensely.

"You're going to continue teaching in silence now"he says and she turned and continued writing

"Ohhh zagan's going to be in trouble with the dean for using his powers"Dana said behind me

"When you said powers you mean his authority right? Like being a special student? "I asked and she chuckled at me

"You're funny"she said smiling and writing

First of all his name is zagan and apparently his bad boy status gives him some big authority even against teachers

From the look of things people won't really tell on him to the dean, they looked scared of him, so scared they were paler than usual.

I looked at their pale skin and then at mine, made mine look like a joke it annoyed me in a way.

The teacher kept talking about things I'd probably never remember until the exams week set in.

The horrible bell shrieked and I got up packing my things and hurriedly checked and I had no class well until the third bell.

I went back to my room to just relax since the students lounge was occupied.

Okay I was bored, I already prepped the things I needed for my next class and even read a bit.


Then I saw myself standing in front of the huge mirror that was covered with a thick clothing earlier.

I looked relatively good, apart from the fact that I wasn't that muscular and I had almost smooth girly skin.

"U just love pissing me off don't you"I suddenly heard and I nearly backed up into the mirror

I saw zagan throwing and catching a tennis ball

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was your mirror"I stuttered walking sideways to my bed

"Wow a Morgan is apologizing? Did you get bi-"the door flung open and Dana was standing at the entrance


"Oh my gosh zagan won't you quit trying to scare him he's a Morgan"she said and he scoffed walking past me to his bed he generously plopped into

"What are you doing here Dana this is a guys room"he said throwing the ball up and catching it

"Wouldn't be the first time am here zags"she eyeing him then she placed her now soften gaze at me

"Anyways am here for Klaus"she said and even my name sounded foreign the way she said it

"Oh the clown that thinks its funny to carry around a ticking sound has a name?"his sarcasm sounded like a threat and not at all funny

"I'm no-"the horrible bell sound came roaring and I closed my eyes tight

"C'mon Klaus let's go to class"Dana said pulling me away from the room with zagan still in it

The rest of my day went the same way, people would try to get to talk to me,they'll be acting scared then back off

Everyone except Dana

Her best friend kiara the one with the pixie hair cut was always grumpy and sometime barks at everyone and everything

And every time I opted for orange juice instead of their weird smoothies they'd give me weird stares

And other times they'd whisper about a ticking sound.

"So how's your clan like?"Dana asked me playing with my yo-yo on my bed.

I peeled my eyes off my laptop to look at her then I pouted my lips a bit the way I did when I was thinking or pretending to think

"My family's er basic and apart from my annoying sister, life is simply okay"I said and she dropped the yoyo

"Oh don't be modest Klaus we all know the Morgan's are both the richest and most adventurous plus scariest clan there is"she said and I chuckled uncomfortably

What has my dad been telling the outside world about him and us

My laptop screen began to beep and it was Kat video calling damn I can't believe I forgot about that

My cursor hovered across the answer button , after a few side glances at Dana I answered, Kat wasn't in view all I saw was a room and background

"Hello?"I asked and nothing but silence

Is this thing glitching?

Then Kat came out of nowhere and yelled 'boom shakalaka'

I flew back on my chair holding my chest

"Oh my God! Kat! do you want to give me a heart attack!"I screamed and she laughed sitting down and pointing on at the screen

"You should have seen your face you were all like ahhhh"she said laughing holding her chest

"Its not funny kat"I said straightening up

"Oh no? Did I disturb thy little heart"she said laughing and I rolled my eyes

"Anyways I got the room and its so cute, my roommates or should I say housemates are so nice, I got this cute Canada mattress and wallpapers and why the hell is there a mannequin on the bed behind you"she said looking closer to the screen

I looked back at Dana that just waved at me completely overwhelmed I think

"That's not a mannequin you dummy"

"Sex doll?"

"Jesus Christ kat!"I yelled and Dana winced

I turned to her apologetically she half smiled at me and got up

"Yeah your right even a sex doll won't screw u"she said blankly and I face palmed

"Er I gotta go"Dana said and kat gasped

"It talks? "Her mocking voice annoying me even more

"She's not an it,she's Dana my friend"

"Oh hi then Dana"

Dana waves at the laptop and walks out

"You see what you did"I asked angrily and she scoffed playing with her hair

"I bet your friend won't mind, just your friend might come back later in the day or maybe at night so you guys can do just friendly things"she said and I face palmed

"Thanks for calling buh-bye"

"Woah woah hold up munchy your yet to show me your room"she said and I sighed

"Its not big and I share it with someone so everything pretty much beside and behind me is my room"


"Any other th-"I stopped as the door flew open and zagan walked in and slamming the door

"Wow who's that piece of pale chicken"kat whistled and I groaned internally shutting the laptop almost immediately and turned to his direction

Zagan stopped his journey to his bed and turned to me.

"What did you say?"he asked glaring at me

"Er I didn't say anything it was my laptop"I stammered and he looked from me to the laptop

"I'm not going to say this again"he said walking slowly towards me

"Don't talk to me, don't go close to my side of the room, don't look at me and"he said putting his right hand on the chair and his left on the table

While he leaned closer intimidatingly at me eyes almost glaring into my soul

"Because your a Morgan doesn't mean I will fear you or be afraid of your father, if you dare me I'll stab a wooden stake through your heart"he said deathly at me

The way he said father like it was a joke scared me the most.

I gulped

He straightened up and turned then paused, looked at me over his shoulder.

"Turn off that ticking sound or else"he said and walked to the bathroom I held my chest and just walked out forgetting the video call, homework and any other thing there I was working on.

I walked to the courtyard and sat on a bench

"Er excuse me Morgan have you seen Dana?"I heard and I looked up at the pixie cut haired girl

What was her name again?

Oh right Kiara

"My name is Klaus and I haven't seen Dana"she looked at me for a while and sat beside me

"Okay Klaus like the school so far?"she asked and I nodded

"Hmm you know"she said shaking her weird red smoothie

"I can tell you are upset"she said and then took a sip

"What gave me away? my heart almost beating out of my chest?"I asked and she gave me a weird look

Then started laughing, for someone who always had either a not smiling face or a frown I was glad to have made her happy

"Good joke, its nice to know a Morgan has a sense of humor"she said and got up

"Nice chat, later"she walked off and left me in my thoughts

What's up with all this Morgan thing

Why did Dana get upset like that

And why the hell did I end up with a psychopath as a roommate

I didn't take time for the moon to come up and it was as thou people came out more to either seat, talk or hangout out when it was night time

I strolled back to my room, thankfully zagan wasn't there but I slept with one eye close

At least times that I actually slept off


Omg sorry for being gone my phone got bad and its been a real hassle logging in but I'm back mush thanks for the tips I'm screaming