Chapter 6 - "You need to push beyond average to be their normal"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/11/09 00:13

11th Augustus, 564.8.

Officer 8 [A Wiroost male]- [Shouting] Day 6 and she can barely lift three bags!

Candidate 042- [Struggling to pushup with three bags on his back] I'm trying my best Sir!!

Officer 8- [Shouts] Well try harder most of your roomies have left you!!

Candidates 321 and the five girls who fainted were seen pushing up.


Candidate 17- Well that first stage was hard I can't even feel my hands, what about you Guiz? How was it for you?

Candidate 421 [Also known as Guiz]- Nah! I had one of my Specials fetch me some Bear and Pop! Pop!! [Flexes his muscles] Easy peasy.

Candidate 17- [Shocked] You mean Beer gives strength?

Candidate 421- No Bear the drug! The one that gives you six times strength but if you take an overdose you'll get body strain, fever and Ten days of pain.

Candidate 17- So what mate I need that stuff!

Guiz- Here you go [He hands him some Bear pills then he removes another pink pill] and take some Lax with you!

Candidate 17- Lax?! What's it for?

Guiz- Lax calms you of stress but an overdose will make you drowsy and sluggish take it when the Bear is straining you [He hands Candidate 17 the Lax pills]

Candidate 17- Ah! You're a bro Tayo you know that?

Guiz- Oh we're using names now?!

Candidate 17- Yeah we are!

Guiz- Better pop this up before they bring up the big guns Gowon.

Candidate 17- It's Nissan mate! Gowon's my last name [Took in the Bear and chewed on it] Mhn Grizzly flavor.

Candidate 92,146- [Cuts in] And what are we having today?

Nissan- [Shocked] Oh Zara! [He hides the pills]

Zara [Candidate 92,146]- Bear Seriously?! I should have known someone of your degree couldn't pass the way others did.

Nissan- [Smirks] As if you passed the way others did?

Zara- What I did! I only slept with a few Officers.

Candidate 1,311- [Cuts in as well] You know all this is for our own good who knows where all this Strength stuff would be of use during times of battle?

With that the three of them look at him[Candidate 1311] In shock before they burst into laughter

Guiz- Ali boy you crack me up! You see unlike you who will be running around and all I will be in an Office.

Ali [Candidate 1,311]- All of us will be in an Office but there comes a time when...

All three laugh at him

Guiz- Unlike you Ali my man that time will never come for me, I've got connections.

Zara- Same here I'm saved already everything for me is all taken care off.

Nissan- Same here but you're right we shouldn't depend on all these stuff, only when it calls for it!

Ali- Shortcuts?

Guiz- As if you didn't use a shortcut to get here?

Ali- [Defensive] It was a one time thing!

Officer 3- [Cold voice] What are you idiots talking about you think it's over? [Shouts] Do you!!

Officer 7- Before you reach D6V1 you must all go through excruciating stages like this everyone grab unto your Cement bags [Cement bags that have bag handles three times the average size] that's Three in One and your front luggage [A bag of Cement] Well what are you waiting for? Step to it!!

Back at Melas

Melas- [Struggles pushing up with four bags of Cement on his back] So heavy! So heavy!!

Officer 4- It's Day 6 and he can't even lift four on his back! He's a joke to his new roomie!! Isn't that right Dreh?

Dreh [Candidate 144]- Four? [Shocked] You know all fingers aren't equal.

Officer 4- Well it seems that strength is not your strength. [To Melas] But keep pushing.

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Top him with two more.

Melas- [Scared] Two more!!

Officer 2- General Hugo says and I quote "If he wants to tread the path I tread then show him no mercy"

Melas screams as the scene went dark

19th Augustus 564.8

Candidate 042- [Sweating] Yes I made it!

Candidate 11,111- [She cheers] Hooray!!

Candidate 93- [Panting] It can only be God.

Candidate 4,204 [A Dok female]- [Smiling] Those Soldiers were out to kill us but look at us on top of the world.

At the same time they were celebrating as if to kill their joy a Mecury M Tipper parks opening to show new Cement bags

Officer 11 [Dok male]- Alright pick your bags! Pick your bags!! We don't have all day!!!

Candidate 042- I'm allergic to dust

Candidate 26,841- [Ki female] Me too

Officer 11- Not on these grounds you aren't! Now pick a bag!!

At Melas

Officer 4- Well Melas we're proud of you Six is your limit.

Melas- Did I pass General Hugo's limit?

Officer 4- You didn't but he did!

Dreh- [Cheers] Oh yeah!!

Melas' Spirit is broken

Officer 4- That's why we're pairing you two together.

Dreh- I may not be brains but I am brawn.[Flexes his Muscles] You guys are looking at the next Hugo Zolom.

Officer 4- Alright we're going to move to the next stage of your training guns, you'll know how to use your guns, types of guns, assembly and use.

Officer 6- Don't forget your bombs.

Officer 4- But before that carry your six bags of Cement to the next class!

Melas- [Fatigued] Yes Sir!

Dreh- Ooo Yeah


