Chapter 7 - "Time is always of the Essense"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/11/15 23:21

All Twenty Eight cadets are assembled in the hall with disassembled guns before them and Officer 1 comes in holding an assembled pistol variant his presence causes all to take an attention pose.

Officer 1- At ease! At ease!! Look here!!!

They all looked at his hand and he flashes the Pistol at them

Officer 1- This here is a Spit-fire Bulldog you wanna know why?

He empties it of a bullet on a targets forehead as the hole melts open.

Officer 1- You see in the past before Okium was first minned men used lead and other alloys in their guns but Okium [He waves the gun] has an advantage. It absorbs heat and generates what is absorbed Three times the impact they must have taught you this in school. Well babies here is the practical.

The molten ran down the target while the cadets look in awe

Officer 1- Able to tear through concrete and other things. Next! Before you is a disassembled Spit-fire Bulldog I'll send Officers to teach you how to assemble and disassemble it but these are the main parts

He shows them the gun and begins disassembling it showing them the Slide, Barrel, Recoil spring, Guide rod, the Grip, the Trigger, Magazine, Back strap, Hammer and more. He shows them how to reassemble the gun before they're privately taught by other Officers who put them on timers to assemble or disassemble the weapons as they felt necessary.

Officer 4- Well progress is going well.

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Yes I see that although some of them have alot to learn.

Candidate 042 is seen looking into an empty barrel

Officer 5 [Huge female Dok]- [Slaps 042 at the back and in her Coarse mean voice she says] Careful before you shoot your eyes off.

Dreh- Man Melas you're a pro! You're like Jones Brand only in real life! I don't know any of this stuff you know what guns are not my thing. I'll be good at swords [Poses] Wayah!

Melas- If you can pass their top test twice you can do it. Just look at me as I arrange it

Melas works on the gun

Dreh- Uh okay this goes here [He fixes the gun] and goes there.

Ali- [Far from Melas and Dreh] Even one of the best is having a tough time assembling this.

Zara- Excuse me Sir can you teach me again?

Officer 10- [Blushes] Oh you lock and you knock and you recoil.

Zara giggles

Guiz- [Sweating] [To himself] This is so hard.

Officer 4- Tayo!

Guiz- Sir!!

Officer 4- [Hands folded behind his back] Why is a visually impaired man like you walking around without his glasses here

He hands Guiz a pair of glasses

Officer 4- You can have mine.

Guiz- [Shocked as he wears it] Thank you Sir! [He sees the steps on the glasses' lens and smiles] Thank you Sir!!

Candidate 042- All done.

Officer 5- [Shouts in her Coarse mean voice while pointing] You missed the Recoil spring! Do it again!! Do it again!!

Nissan- Done!

He finishes

Ali- Wow!

Nissan- I can teach you if you want.

Ali- Be my guest.

At Candidate 93

Candidate 93- [Fidgeting] Oh God help me! Oh God help me!! This goes in here

She tries to assemble it

Officer 16- [Shouts] Don't do that!!

Candidate 11,111- [Sweats] I don't know what to do?

Candidate 66,841- Me too.

Candidate 4,204- [Confused] How is this even possible?

Candidate 26,841- Done!!

Candidate 11,111- Daw is done? For real! Teach me?!

Candidate 26,841 [Daw]- No!!

Candidate 11,111- Please!

Daw- Help yourself!

Candidate 4,204- [To Candidate 11,111] Leave her alone Ivy you know how she is?

With that Daw submits hers

Zara- [Shouts] I'm done! [Arms spread] Perfect!!

Ali- Same here thanks to Nissan.

Guiz- [Wearing glasses] I did mine easy zero stress.

Candidate 042- Yes! I did it!! All by myself!!!!

The timer is a Thirty second timer

Dreh- Heyh!! I did something look at her I call her...[He raises the gun which lays on his palm]

Officer 4- Give me that! [He snatches it]

Dreh- I was about to name her!!!

Melas- [In Thirty seconds assembled four] Sharp!

Officer 4- [Nodding head] You're all amazing although those ones look like they need help.

Adamu [Candidate 321]- Oh God! [Sweating] Help me!! Help me!!!

Officer 4- Especially that one

Officer 8 slaps Adamu at the back who whelps

Officer 4- Alright disassemble and reassemble!

All of them scattered their guns as clicking and knocking sounds were heard as the guns were reassembled

Melas- Done!

Officers- Hmn.


As expected

Twenty one seconds

Daw- Done.

Zara- Done! ❤

Nissan and Ali- Done!!

Tayo- Do...done!

Dreh- Done!! Yeah Baby!!

Candidate 042- Done! Wait!! I came last?!!

Officer 3- [Cold voice] Excellente! All of you started as dwarves and grow into giants! Next Gun a Spit-fire Bulldog variant the Rushing Viper.

All- What?!

Officer 1- Right after that you'll all be put to use there's a situation that's in need of your level.


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