Chapter 3 - "The Impossible can be attained"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/11/02 00:35

29 Julio's, 564.8. Rangers Square, The Triangle, Nexia.

Melas is seen looking at his result as he smiles. Pilos and Stanit are amazed as well looking at the Result board.

Candidate 47263- 502? Who got that one?!!

Candidate 64004- [Female voice] That's impossible! Mine's the highest and it's 419!

Candidate 4004- [Male voice] 419? Mine's 315!! That guy cheated I heard the papers leaked or something?

Candidate 141- [Huge male voice] You watch your mouth! I was sitting behind you the whole time! I was seeing you take answers from that slip!! So I took a peek that's how I got the same score as you!!!

Candidate 4003- [Male voice] What? You can't prove nothing!

Pilos- [Eyes towards Stanit and in aloe tone] Are you sure he didn't take the slip?

Stanit- [In low voice] No I swear on my parents grave.

Pilos- [In low voice] Then how did he get 502? That's higher than Hugo's!

Stanit- [In low voice] You know Hugo got 512?

Pilos- That's a myth!!

Two Official Officers walked in.

Officer 1- The Board said we should send for all those from scores 490 to 500

Officer 2- [Bass voice]...and Two.

Stanit- Oh I see.

Pilos- [Turns to Melas] Son whatever magic you used in that hall use it again! If you must!!!

Officer 1- That's enough 490 upwards come with us!

Candidate 93- [Female Dok, short, 15 years of age and chubby] But I didn't cheat!

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Who said you cheated? [Walked forward] Or did you?

Candidate 93- [Scared] Oh God!! Vindicate me!

Officer 2- [Bass voice] You'll need alot of him when you get in there.

Moments later...

A huge bald Ki male with blue eye liner and a red mark on his nose, wearing his uniform arms behind with a beard, 52 year old Colonel.

Ki Colonel- I don't trust you! All of you!!

He turns as Two hundred and twenty eight Candidates are in the background looking at him

Ki Connel- You're nothing but liars and cheats! Sons and daughters of thieves and embezellers!! Therefore you'll rewrite a new test and you'll have only three hours of prep time.

An Official Officer whispers into his ears and he nods

Ki Colonel- Your questions are from those books.

Four huge books can be seen on the table

Melas- [To himself] Those four? I'm glad I read them! I can still remember a few things, so this would be a revision.

Ki Connel- Your prep time begins now!! [Vexed] Watch them.

As he leaves

Officer 4- [Dok male] Yes Sir!

Officer 6- [Roost male] [To Officer 4] Hey bro why watch them when we can play Space impact? We already have the Search force.

Officer 4- That's true but you forget I'm part of the Search force.

As he wore a tight rubber glove which only meant one thing.

Melas- [To himself] Oh fuck!!

A while later

Candidate 421 [He is a Guhz male, tall, fair dunce]- Come on babe you don't need to kill yourself here? I bet those questions aren't even hard?

Candidate 891 [A Gueni, blue eye liner with a red dot on her forehead]- Please you're just here to distract me that's all.

Candidate 421- Distract you?! I know a guy there who knows a guy.

Candidate 891- [Turns smiling] If that's so?! Let's talk.

Candidate 042, a fair chubby teenager, introvert from the red line in his hair you could easily tell he was a Roost. He is seen reading at remarkable speeds while muttering

Melas- Can I help you?

Candidate 042- No thank you.

His muttering increases

Melas- [Sits] You know we are Roost and we have to stick together.

Candidate 042 is engrossed in his reading

Melas- I've read these books so we can help each other.

Candidate 042- [Turns to Melas] You're just here to distract me!

Melas- Distract you a brother?! [Shakes head] I wanna help you! I don't want to see you suffer like that guy over there.

A Ki male Candidate 321 is seen standing and craming aloud to the detriment of others.

Dok female- Keep it down there [Candidate 8147] We're trying to pray!!

You could see a Roost, another Dok and an Atus. Atus wear rags are hairy and are short people

Melas- [To Candidate 042] So what do you say?

Candidate 042- I say mind your books and I'll mind mine.

Melas- Okay then?

Candidate 042- Then I suggest you stand and leave oh sorry that's rude.

As Candidate 042 stood up and left, while a male Dok Candidate 144 flashes his biceps

Candidate 144- Hey babe check out these guns.

Candidate 11, 111- [A female Roost] Oh you're so funny!

A Roost male could be seen holding a bucket of pens actually he's Candidate 81, 426

Candidate 81, 426- Buy your Miracle pens blessed by Shepherd Eon Adele and First Priest Ben Kaduna.

Candidates surround him with Norin Turf Notes (Money)

Candidate 81, 426- God bless you! You've passed!! God bless you!!! You've passed!!!!

Officer 4- [Looking sternly at them] Oh you'll need God in this room!

Bell rings

Officer 4- Time's up! Search force begin!!

As the Candidates line up and are throughly searched by Officer 4 and a huge female Dok Officer 4- Next!!

Melas steps in

Dok Officer- [Coarse mean voice] Hmn I'll search this one.