Chapter 4 - "Impossible is what makes you outstanding"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/10/26 00:02

Melas sat on the chair only in his boxers and in pain while others are their underwear as well.

Candidate 93- It hurts doesn't it?

She's a Dok but you should have known that by now, she's sitting adjacent to Melas

Melas turns away shyly as she's in her underwear

Melas- Oh no! Forgive me!! I shouldn't be seeing a woman in her underwear.

Candidate 93- [Disappointed] Oh please as if you haven't seen worse on the web.

Melas feels guilty

Candidate 144 could be seen drooling while looking at his seat partner's boobs

Candidate 144- [Shouts] I think I'm in heaven right now!

A 23 year old Kid female who uses the headscarf of the Duk Officer to hide her breasts she is Candidate 92, 146

Candidate 92, 146- Awnnn looks like you didn't come in here with a bra just like me then why didn't the invigilators give you a bra or scarf?

Candidate 042- Uh I'm a boy!!

Candidate 92, 146- A boy?! Bearing Planets like that?

From behind Candidate 421 laughs at Candidate 042

Candidate 92, 146- [Smiles wickedly] If we weren't in this hall I would have squeezed them myself.

Candidate 421- [Terrified] Okay that's dark mhn.

As he adjusts himself

Candidate 1,311- Any problem? [Adjacent to Candidate 421]

Candidate 421- It's just a gift an Officer left for me.

Candidate 1311- In your Arse? You want to pass don't you? God has heard your prayer.

From the front

Candidate 92, 146- I'm in!

Candidate 421- What?

Candidate 92, 146- You want head or not?

Candidate 421- Please I do.

Candidate 1,311- Lord is this how you answer prayers?

Candidate 042- I wouldn't trust those if I were you I'll stick to what's in my head!

All look at him coldly

Candidate 042- [Looked away] Comment withdrawn.

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Your exams begin [As the Invigilators distribute the papers] Now!!

Melas begins to write

Later that evening

A Krin male fair, tall, slim dude he is Candidate 17

Candidate 17- [Smiling] Nothing like cramming before an exam.

Candidate 1,311- Cramming is good but cooperation is better.

Candidate 17- [Smiling] Cooperation I like your style.

Candidate 042- I would have told the Invigilators [Head bent down] But that girl...she was mean...she held me where it hurt my "temple" [Crying]

Candidates 17 and 1311- [In disgust and pity] Oh no!

That's awful.

Melas- [Vexed] Just who will do that to a brother of mine?!

Candidate 93- [To herself] He cares for his own.

Melas- [Vexed] I won't rest till we meet this wench [Turns to Candidate 042] Take me to her!!

Candidate 92,146- We're back!

Candidate 042 is seen shaking

Melas- [Blushing] Is that her?!! [To Candidate 042] Bro she's hot!! [Stern face and Chest up as he walks to her] How dare you touch my brother where it hurts?! Before you do anything to him you must go through me

Candidate 93 looks at Melas in disgust

Candidate 92,146- [Taps Melas on the shoulder] Don't worry you'll get your turn.

Melas- [Blushing] What? [As she walks away] I don't understand what you mean by that? Is that a threat?!!

Candidate 042- [Annoyed] Some brother you are.

Candidate 321- [A short Ki male] Sinners you will all burn in hell.

Candidate 1,311- Only if your mouth was as short as you.

Candidate 321- God bless you.

The door opens as the Ki Connel comes out with a group of other Officers holding records

Ki Connel- Mmmm [Eyes searching as he breathes in] Who here is Achebe?

Melas- Me Sir!

Ki Connel- [Walks towards Melas and stops] Well congrats.

As he shoke Melas hand and the Officers began clapping

Ki Connel- You deserve a cash award from me...518.

All- Whoa?!

Melas began coughing

As the clapping continues

Ki Connel- [Nods] I'll see to it that you don't go empty handed your result has been flown to Hugo Zolom himself.

Melas was coughing and giggling

Candidate 92,146- [Impressed and smiles] My my

Candidate 93- [To herself] 518?! I'm so glad I glanced at his work such a fellow shouldn't be left to walk by himself.

Candidate 042- [To himself] Did I make a mistake?

Ki Connel- Come now the higher ups need to see you


Pilos- [Shocked] He did what?

Stanit- 518!!

Pilos- [Amazed] And I thought 502 was it!!! All these things you were saying my son can you achieve them?


?- And that's the result Sir!

Hugo- [In Shiluotte he turns around holding the result] I'm very impressed.