Chapter 10 - "Bonding is necessary in society building"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/12/06 23:40

Officer 4 [In red paint but happy] I'm proud of you all Fifteen out of Twenty Eight! Next tommorow will be nothing for you Ladies!! Alright optional Pilot classes are by 1700 hours over and out

With that he walks away

Guiz- I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Ali- Thank you Nissan.

Nissan- What are brothers for?

Zara- This is all easy for me.

Adamu- That's because you're a Spreadsheet.

Zara- Awnnn did you get painted?

Adamu's whole back was painted red

Adamu- Don't worry God sees he knows my hour has not yet come cause when it comes the whole world will...

Zara- [Chuckles] No! Go on!!

Adamu- boils with fury

Nissan- Come Adamu let's go get something to eat.

Ali- Yah! Don't waste your time on her.

Adamu- [Mumbling] Yeah!

Zara- Boys please I'm coming too.

Nissan- No! No!! [Waves his hand in refusal] Today's Adamu's day. No be so Adamu?

Adamu- Na so...

They leave

Zara- Dey go abeg! Who needs you...aha Darling Dreh!! Let's go grab something to eat.

Dreh- Abi?

Candidate 891- [Angry] I don't like her.

Ivy- Frans don't get jealous and all we both know that Zara has her way with the guys [Looking into space cluelessly] She's the Whore of this great program.

Candidate 4204- Abi!

Frans [Candidate 891]- Em Dreh [Pouts] I want to eat too.

Dreh- Hah! [To himself] Do I have enough? Yes come!

Frans giggles and hugs Dreh's muscle helplessly while Zara looks in disgust

Melas- Dreh I thought you were coming for the Five O'clock Class?

Dreh- I will! I will!! [Smiles] Speed is all that matters.

Deburi- [Looking obviously] Oh good! Go have fun!! Bye!!!

Dreh- [With the two ladies] So long Melas!

Deburi- [To herself] Oh no!

Upwards two floors up

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Someone's been passing miraculously [Looking at the Slip] and he doesn't seem to have much talent.

Officer 4- You mean Melas right?

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Don't worry the Operation will fish him out don't you think so Femi my friend?

Officer Femi- [Laughs] Indeed! [Laughs] Let's go eat.

Candidate 42,814- [Dark Duk Male, 24 years old] Did you see Benjehm he used the Swamp along with Ivri and Kenit and they all got blasted by paint mines [Laughing]

Benjehm [Candidate 103]- [Angry] We got caught off guard.

Candidate 42,814 [Better known as Jon]- Did you hear that Jesi?

Jesi [Slim, fair Dok Female]- You won't be saying that on the field cause you'll be dead.

Candidate 903- [Dok Male dark as well not huge but muscular] Look whose talking? Minors!

He stood up and began walking away

Jon- Fukin Vikto...[Grits his teeth] Just who does he think he is anyway?

Vikto- I don't walk with fools

He walks away

Vikto- I walk with the best and only the best walk with me.

Melas and the others could be seen walking

Vikto- Hey Melas!

Melas- [Walked past Vikto] And that's how I attained top speed.

Ben- I see

Vikto- [Feeling shamed he consoles himself] Ow! I'm glad no one saw that.

2000 hours, 9: 00Pm

All could be seen leaving the Class

Ben- Today's Class was fun.

Melas- It sure was rubbing minds and coming up with new ideas.

Ben-....And it feels so good.

Deburi- [To herself] It was the two of us that were meant to rub ideas together.

Melas- It's a shame Dreh couldn't join us.

Ben- Nah he's getting the best time of his life he'll need it if today's his last.

Melas- [Brightened up] If that's so I'll need to get my Lizard drained too.

Deburi- Worry no more for I'm available.

Melas- Great! Then let's go ravage each other!

Deburi- [Happy] Yeyh!

Ben- [Shocked] She's Fifteen for God's sake!

Melas- [Shocked] We never met!

Deburi- Me? He's lying I'm Eighteen! [Following Melas] No! No!! No!!!

Ben- [Breathes confidently] At least I made friends before I died. [Runs] Hey Melas she's lying she's Fifteen!!


Stanit- So what truly is the problem tommorow?

Officer 1- The truth is we're loosing at the border to the Gradians and as such we have already taken the case to the Council Of the Known World but you know that democracy takes time those Gradians bitches their Army is unbelievable they're struggling our part of the Crimson Forest with us.

Stanit- We have a Crimson Forest?! I thought it was only Gradia!

Officer 1- Little of that Forest is in our Federal Territory their job is retrieving the wounded while we send back up! Even Hueland is on our side.

Stanit- I hope they do well Sir?

Officer 1- Me too.Tothe wounded while we send back up! Even Hueland is on our side.

Stanit- I hope they do well Sir?

Officer 1- Me too.

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