Chapter 11 - "Always look up surprises mostly come from above"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/12/13 23:08

26th Augustus 584.8, Norin Eastern Border

Choppers sounding

Melas wearing his full battle Uniform with the number 001P on his right chest adjacent to his name on his right breast his mask was open he looks from the air in awe

Melas- No!

Dreh- [Similar dressing but with 002P] This your first time on air?

Melas- I've never been on air.

Dreh- So have I.

Guiz- [Similarly dressed with 003P] I've been on air six times. [Folds his hands] It's nothing.

Ali- [Similarly dressed with 004P and scared] Sir what are the chances of us dying?

Officer Femi-[Dressed in full uniform with mask open] Not when we're around...the chances are high but with us on ground you'll all come back in one piece.

Nissan- [Dressed like his peers with number 005P on him] So we might die?

Zara- [Similar attire to her peers with 006P] This is so not cool.

Chopper 2

Ben- [Similar dress with number 012P] I'm...scared of heights.

Deburi- [Similarly dressed with number 008P] Then don't look down.

Frans- [Similarly dressed with number 009P] Wow Ben! You're the only guy whose actually here.

Ben- Hmn

He looks left and right

Officer 2- [Bass voice] You're all Ladies but he's a girl.

All laugh at Ben

Ben- [Sad] Hah! Laugh at the little guy!

Ivy- [Similar dressing bearing 011P] Come on girls we shouldn't pick on Bensita like that she's one of us.

Officer 2 [Dressed in similar outfit like Officer Femi]- [Bass voice] [Laughs] Bensita! [Laughs] That's my daughter's name.

Officer 5 [Who is the Pilot]- [Coarse mean voice] Remind me to get her a Bra for bra.

Officer 2- [Bass voice] Or Christmas. [Laughing] Oh Ben I like you! You're fun!! You're not as mean spirited as Daw over there.

Daw- [Similar outfit with the other Cadets only bearing 007P] I'm not mean.

Officer 2- [Bass voice] That's what a meany would say.

The Chopper shoke

Officer 5- We're here!

Ben- [Eyes widen] This is it!

Chopper 1

Officer 4- This is it! Move!!

The Chopper lands

Officer Femi- Alright! Rescue and retrieve our men from the field and drop them in those Choppers.

As longer Choppers could be seen in the background about Nine

Officer Femi- Go! We'll cover you!

He puts his mask on and with that Melas and Batch 1 run out as Choppers 2, 3, 4 and 5 land

Officer Femi- Go! Go!! Go!!!

Everyone could be seen running as explosions, dust, screams and bloody bodies was heard felt and seen as Melas met with one of the injured and grabbed him

Melas- You're going to be okay.

He grabbed hold of the Officer and began running to the Choppers like the others.

Dreh- Hey! This isn't as scary as the Officers put it.

Guiz- That's because they're [The Officers] are fighting them back.

Other Officers could be seen taking their injured

Officer 56- Shit! The Jezebels are matching forward.

Officer 41- Hey kid do you know how to use a gun?

Melas- Uh I...

Officer 41- Shoot! Shoot!! The rest of you do as you are told!

All began shooting

Gradian 1- [In Gradian Language] Their fire power is too much.

Gradian 2- [In Gradian Language] We have the advantage our numbers are... [Amazed by what was descending upon them] What is that?

Officer 66- [Shouts] What is that?!

A Black Box the size of a street lands on top of the Gradian Soilders as dust covers the area and overpowers the Norin Soldiers and their Choppers

Melas opens his eyes waking up from the shock seeing the Gradian Soilders massacred and the area destroyed while the Norin Soldiers were unconscious then the sound of a door opening was heard and a blond man in black armour came out

?- [In Pantheon Language] No! No!! No!!! Terra?

Ai voice- [In Pantheon Language] Subterra.

?- [In Pantheon Language] Subterra?!

Melas points a Vulcan Fire Spitter at him

?- [In Pantheon Language] Whoa! Whoa!! Whoa!!! Put the sword down I mean you no harm I...

Melas knocks him out with the gun

Melas- What the hell do we call this?

Officer Femi- [Looking at the fallen being] I don't know but we'll know about that when we get to the Base all this is now classified information [Shouts to the others] You get that Ladies?

All-Yes Sir!

Officer Femi and Eleven other Officers walk towards the Ark while Fourteen other Officers stayed with the Cadets

Officer 52- [Shouts] Alright! Get that thing into the Chopper!!

Behind a tree watching the Ark, the Cadets and the Officers is a shadowry fellow

?- [Talking to a small black cube in Pantheon Language] Hello Pluto...yes! Hyperion son of Cronus is here.

Small black cube- [In Pantheon Language] Good work Assassin [Breathes] Kill him before my Father can know he's there.

?- [In Pantheon Language] You know I like to play with my food before I kill them and what's my pay?

Small Black Cube- [In Pantheon Language] Enyo.

?- [In Pantheon Language] Oh Enyo! I love her.

Small Black Cube- [In Pantheon Language] You better hurry quick before Aries comes back and steal her heart.

?- [In Pantheon Language] Aye! I kill Hyperion and you'll give her to me.

Small Black Cube- [In Pantheon Language] Deal!

The Assassin is clothed in a black fur coat, black sin, green huge eye balls, feminate face as he wears his claws and vanishes.

You can read it here https://baskadia.com/post/1mkw6

Till 12 weeks time