Chapter 9 - "United nothing is impossible"
9. "United nothing is impossible"
All of the Cadets could be seen in Red paint.
Officer 4- [Disappointed] Out of all of you even our best? Only Three made it!
Zara- [Smiling] Yes!!
Guiz- [Sighs] That was close.
Candidate 103[A Roost male]- [Snickers] I didn't even think we'll actually make it.
Officer 4- God help us all when that day actually comes.
He left them disappointed
Dreh- Ah Damn it!
Melas- [Shouts] I'm immune to fire that doesn't count.
Officer 4- Tell that to the paint.
Melas exhales in frustration
During the Evening Class, Melas and a handful could be seen
Melas-[To himself] I need to work more on my Speed than than my Strength! I'm good yes!! But not good enough!!!
Deburi- Can I sit?
Melas- Sure!
Deburi- [Smile] Someday today turned out to be? Very rough.
Melas- [Smile] True!
Deburi- Why don't we hit the books after this?
Melas- [Blushing] Well if you say so.
Dreh- [Shoves Deburi away] Oh Melas I'm finished!
Deburi- [Nags] Yeyh! Thanks for shoving in.
Dreh- Melas all I thought we needed was strength but now I see...
Melas- We need Speed.
Dreh- Yes! Speed!!
Officer 5- Ehem! Can you repeat what I just said now?
Melas stutters and repeats all she just said while Dreh clutches his fists proudly
Officer 5- Hmn
She continues teaching
Melas- Phew!
Deburi- [To Melas] There could be so much knowledge you could rub off me.
Melas- Oh knowledge? I have alot of that?
Deburi- I can see that?
Dreh- Aha Melas back to what I was talking of, Speed!
Melas- ...And I got just the idea.
Dreh- Oh you do?
Ben [Candidate 042]- Ehem!! Some of us are trying to listen you know some of us in the front seat.
Melas- Oh brother how is it going?!
Ben- Hmn!!
With that Ben childishly turned away from Melas
Melas- [Shocked] He left me hanging again.
Dreh- Why worry about him when we can worry about our Speed.
Deburi- I'm in!!
Melas- Great.
Deburi- [Prays] Oh God help me win this one! [Melas]
Melas- Is she praying?
Dreh- She's praying for us to come out in flying colors tommorow.
Melas- [To Dreh] Supported.
After Class
Melas- Hey Ben! The three of us are walking back together from there we will train and all.
Ben- Thank you very much Melas but unlike you and the others that use shortcuts I use the longway!
Melas- O...Kay!
Ben- [Snaps] Suit yourself.
Dreh- [Arms folded] I told you he won't come.
Melas- Such a shame.
Candidate 891- I'm coming too.
Candidate 66,841- Me too.
Candidate 11,111 [Also known as Esomchi Ivy]- To be completely honest I'm in.
Ben walks away sadly
Ben- Why should I be sad the long cut will see me through.
At the Dormintry Ben does pushups, jogs at the backyard and reads on his bed
Ben- I'll show them! I'll show them all tommorow!! [Shouts] Let tommorow come!!!
Explosions of red paint everywhere as Ben carries only one dummy and his box
Ben- [Crying] I didn't train for this! [Shocked] Gado! I'm glad I met you with someone as strong as you buying time I can assemble my weapon.
Daw- [Yells at Ben] Go get your own hiding spot!
Officer 8- [Yells] Over there! Fresh meat!!
Ben- [Shaking] Quickly Gado we have to.
He turned to see that Daw was no more there he begins panting.
Officer 8- Hands where I can see them!
Ben hands raised with his weapons box
Officer 8- [Laughs] Look who I caught? The girl! Turn around so I can paint you red!!
Ben turns around shaking
Officer 8- Atta boy!
Suddenly paint covers Officer 8 who coughs
Ben- Hmn?
Melas- [Holding a Vulcan Fire Spitter] Ben move I've got your back!
Ben- I thought you're done?
Melas- Yeah I was done but I remembered that I forgot something. So I had to come back and lucky for me you were unpainted. [He dodged paint which covers the area] So yeah!
Ben begins crying
Melas- Now hurry!
He shoots
Officer 2- [Shouts] Melas!
Officer 2 shoots his own Vulcan Fire Spitter at Melas who grabs Ben and tumbles while shooting which hits Officer 2
Officer 2- Damn he's good.
Melas is seen caring both Ben and his dummy running through the makeshift swamp
Ben- Whoa! Melas you're as fast as they come so your training paid off.
Melas- Oh no!
Melas drops Ben and Officer 4 who approaches laughs
Melas- Ben here shoot him now!!
He hands Ben the Vulcan Fire Spitter. Ben took it and shoot at Officer 4 yelling
Ben- Yeah!
Melas- That's more like it!
You can see the pictures in this link