Chapter 8 - "Prep is the greatest defense"

4th eARTH KOMIX2023/11/22 22:47

"Prep is the greatest defense"

23rd Augustus, 564.8

Officer 4- We have till three days before your recon mission don't worry it's something you can all handle you can let go of the airbag Cadet Deburi.

Candidate 93 looks in shock

Deburi- Oh!

Officer 4- You're done with your guns you're the best there is now. We have two days of drills and field exercises and one whole day of rest that's the day before you depart.

All- [Relaxed]

Officer 4- Your drill begins here! [Ruler hits board] You will all carry as many wounded Soldiers as you can and move with them all the way to the Helicopter. That means you'll go through the trenches the Chopper will take the wounded and then you'll wait for your own Choppers while that's happening you'll have to assemble the weapons that have been given to you in the boxes and shoot as much of the enemy as you can.

Guiz- [Shocked] But we just had like Twenty days of training.

Officer 4- Did I force you to sign the DC[Death Certificate]?

Guiz- No Sir!

Officer 4- While you waste the enemy your Chopper will arrive and take you all home! So there are two parts one is the Trenches and two is the Swamp. [Ruler hits the Board] Enemies will be everywhere but less activity in the Swamp so that's your advantage good luck.

Guiz-The Swamp...Ewwww!

Ali- You're supposed to be a Soldier?

Guiz- [Irritated] You like this stuff don't you.

Officer 4- Also we'll be the enemy for the Drill.

Guiz- [Shocked] Are we going to use real guns?!

Officer 4- Flying drills is by 1700 hours Incase the Pilot gets shot.

Guiz- Would we still have strength for that?

Next scene

Officer 10- Go! Go!! Go!!!

All could be seen in their uniform but with the masks open

Guiz laughs

Zara- Don't tell me you're laughing at my butt?

Guiz- [Laughs] No I'm laughing at Ben [Candidate 042] here! He's so short that the uniform is bigger than him.

Ali- Why did you lie about your age you're the only child among us.

Ben- [Shouts] I'm Eighteen godamn it! I didn't lie about nothing!!

Deburi- I'm Fifteen!

All- What?!

Guiz- [To himself] And here I was thinking of smashing that ass.


Officer 10- Alright! There the bodies are!! Alright Go!!!

Melas ran and carried the first one

Melas- This one's heavy it's like carrying a bag of Cement.

Dreh- Good thing we went through that class.

With that Dreh easily carries two on his shoulder.

Melas- [Carries one] Why is there a Barrow here?

Dreh-You're thinking what I'm thinking?

The two could be seen running and pushing bodies on the Barrows as Melas carries three on his Barrow while Dreh carries four on his Barrow with two strapped on his Shoulder while Melas strapped one on his back

Dreh- Wooh!!

Ali- [Shocked] Those two are animals!

?4- They're not the only Animals in this Jungle.

The Officers surfaced out of the dust clad in their full armours

Ali- What? We'll be facing Officers as well?!

Guiz- We're so screwed!!

Zara- [Yells] Carry! Carry!! Carry!!!

They all began carrying the bodies while bullets began flying

Melas- Oh no!

Officer 7 and Officer 8 could be seen blocking their way in full armours pointing theirr guns at Melas and Dreh. In retaliation Dreh stones Officer 8 with an ammunition box Knocking him out

Officer 7- Pan!!

Dreh then uses an Upper cut to knock out Officer 7

Dreh- Yeyh! No more problems!!

A Gun shot blew from behind his head which now stains him red

Officer 2-...And you're out

Dreh- Oh come on!

Officer 2- You're next!

Melas abandoned the bodies and ran into the make shift Trenches

Officer 2- Smart move!

Meanwhile Melas is seen running for his life inside the Trenches and he hides with only one man[Dummy] on his back

Melas- [Panting] [To himself] I could only save one I'm supposed to be beating Hugo's Zolom's record not running from away better start assembling my own guns.

Officer 2- [Points a gun at him] No Melas don't even think of that it's over

Officer 2 opens fire on Melas who used his Ammunition box as a shield and he lands his retractable knife on Officer 2's belly at the kidney area paint marks there as a sign of stabbing

Officer 2- Well played.

He drops a Powder Grenade this action shocks Melas and with that the lights fade and the Powder Grenade explodes.


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