About six years ago, the community from where I belong was greatly shocked,
A youngman, who was a year older than me took his own life, by hanging himself on the roof trusses in his bedroom and his body was discovered by his four year old niece who had gone in to call him out for super.
The screams from their home called out the whole community and all of a sudden everyone cared...
We were hurt, we were saddened, which is understandable a young life had just been lost.
And we all had the same one question on our lips, Why did he do it?
It's very easy to think closure is all we wanted by asking why? But no!
We wanted to find where to put blame other than ourselves.
For so long now society is failing to take responsibility of such tragedies in our communities, so it's easy to try and find fault in the victims of one or another circumstance.
We asked why he did it right? Well, Here is the because,
We dont care enough about each other to be there for each other when we recognize that someone is struggling.
Right before George (not his real name) took his life he had become what we call the "local drunk".
Everyday before it was even 10am he'd be so drunk that he couldn't walk, the tavern guys would find someone to escort him home, he would sleep it off and tomorrow repeat cycle. In all this there was something he kept on crying out but we never paid attention until it was too late. He would always cry out in his drunken voice, "what did I do to deserve this?"
Unfortunately as it is, we all only got to realize he wasn't drowning in alcohol and illicit drugs for the enjoyment of it but rather there was a reality he was trying to escape. But to us he was just a morally loose kid, abusing the privilege of having parents who loved him enough to still provide shelter, food, and probably money to sustain his habit" he had become an example of what not to be when parents reprimanded their children...
Almost everyone know or have heard a similar story, I've started at the end because that's how they all end, either literally or metaphorically, alcohol and substance abuse will always claim lives if not given the adequate attention by society which it demands.
Being both a cause and an effect of mental health problems, the fight against drug and substance use can only be won when we all come together and say NO MORE!
This piece on Alcohol and substance abuse was influenced by the conversations I was having with the boys in the past week, were I realized that 90% of the guys I spoke to have at once (some more than once) taken an illicit or illegal drug marijuana being the most used illegal drug which goes on to show that anyone can be a potential victim because of how easily accessible these things are to young people, how we start out might be different but once it becomes a problem we all affected in the same way.
Dear parents, brothers and sisters, drug and substance abuse is not a moral issue but rather a chronic brain relapsing illness and it needs treatment. Let's take the time to educate each other on the dangers of using.
Killing the market will automatically kill the supply but the opposite is not true, hence despite efforts from the police and government to arrest dealers and suppliers of these toxins we still have this problem in our country and beyond. The pop culture which highly resonates with the young generation glorifies using drugs and abusing alcohol which is a major influence on young people to use. What then shall we do, stop them from listening to their favorite rappers or dancehall chanters? Yes, if possible please do.
Because we can't afford not to care, it might not be your child or family using today but what about tomorrow? Ubuntu says "I am" because "We are" so it's everyone's responsibility to fight against drug and substance abuse. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Name and shame those peddling illicit drugs in our communities, let's hold the officials accountable for their arrests.
Thank you for taking the time to read right through to the end, here is a take away challenge for you. Pick on any drug or substance of your choice, research on its effects and dangers when taken and share the information with at least 5 of your contacts with #SayNoToDrugs.
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