Rachel Joy2023/08/17 23:25

Back in 2017, Hazon and his family went for their usual prayer service. In the cause of the prayers God located Hazon and the Holy Spirit ministered through his servant to pray for him against Financial Embarrassment. The man of God told Hazon to come see him the following day so that he will prayed for and avert the plans of the enemy against his life and have the right direction on what to do.

Hazon did not take this message seriously, he had a nonchalant attitude concerning the words of knowledge giving to him. Hazon did not go to see the Pastor for prayers, he did not obey the instruction from God and was careless about it. Hazon thought he will never be embarrassed financially, he felt he was not owing anyone and will never owe anyone that will cause him embarrassment.

Maraya reminded him to go for the prayers and he said he is busy to go to the church. Maraya was not pleased with the answers he gave her.

In year 2019, life became so hard for Hazon and his family after moving in to their new home. Love's medications were eating so deep into the finances of the home. Any little money that comes in all they think about is Love's medications before thinking of buying food stuffs. Hazon goes around to borrow money from people, while some of them will tell him not to pay back because they have empathy on him. They kept on trusting God and believing that they will come out from the situation they find themselves in.

The loan Hazon collected from the man had agreement with started calling for his money because the due date for repayment had passed, the pressure was too much for him to take couple with the little money he borrowed from family and friends because of Love's medications. The man got fed up and went on social media to get Hazon's pictures and his family picture tagging him to be a criminal and to print it on news papers, he went further and reported the case to the police saying Hazon ran away with his money which it is not true. Hazon had actually been paying this man but the man was not considerate about the situation. He presented the case as though Hazon never attempted to pay.

Psalm 44:15 says, "I live in disgrace all day long, and my face is covered with shame."

The police took Hazon into custody and wanted to lock him up. Hazon reached out to his wife and told her what was going on. Maraya had mixed emotions, she was angry at the fact that he borrowed millions of naira from someone without telling her about it. Hazon called his siblings to come help him out. His siblings were disappointed with him for taking this bad wrong decision which is now costing his reputation. Hauwa said to her brothers that if Maraya knew about this then she's a foolish woman for allowing him borrow money to complete the house. Hauwa called Maraya to hear her side of the story and Maraya told her she knows nothing about it and she is just hearing about it.

Hazon's siblings went to the police station to try to bail him out but it was not working because the man said until he gets his money before he should be released. Hazon went on his knees with tears in his eyes begging and pleading telling them he has a sick daughter at home he needs to attend to because of her meds. The rest of his siblings also pleaded and begged. Hazon's younger brother Joseph couldn't hold his tears because he was finding it hard watching his elder brother on his knees crying and begging.

After hours of plea, they came to an agreement at the station on how he can pay his debt. Samuel gave him a million naira to help clear the debt but told Hazon to pay back only six hundred thousand naira.

Hazon was trying so hard to raise the balance of the money but it was difficult. Out of desperation he took another wrong decision without running it through his wife first. The only thing he said to her is that he collected loan from the bank to pay off the debt because he couldn't handle the pressure and left out that he used the house worth twenty five million for four million naira. Hazon made a terrible mistake by going through the back door of collecting the loan from the bank.

A year later Hazon was only able to pay forty percent of the loan and the due date had elapsed. The banker who helped him out was pressurizing Hazon for the balance. Hazon was always restless, doesn't sleep well, and was over thinking, Maraya noticed this and she kept asking him what the problem was and refused to open up to her. One day at noon two men went to Hazon's house and gave a parcel to his wife. Maraya did not want to open the parcel at first but her spirit told her to look at the parcel. Shockingly to her the house was used as a collateral. Maraya waited patiently for Hazon to return home from work, as soon as he got back she made sure he had eaten before she ask any question. Maraya confronted him with the document and he became speechless because he knew what he did was bad. This went on and on and then the case was taken to court. Hazon met his lawyer and told him everything that had happened the lawyer was not happy with what he did.

They did all they could and looked for loopholes as they went to court to settle. The court gave Hazon six months to pay the debt. Hazon was able to pay the bank.

In all of this Hazon's brother Samuel was happy to see his elder brother beg for money and also happy about the predicament Hazon and his family were going through.