Rachel Joy2023/08/17 20:53

The blessings of God was upon Hazon and his family. Hazon bought a land and decided to start building a new and comfortable home for his family. Before this decision was made, Hazon was saving money for Love's surgery but it was taking too long because of the high cost and the longer they waited the more her health condition became bad. Hazon failed to realize that it wasn't the will of God to go for the surgery, but he is a father and he wants his child to get better. Love was not in support either for the surgery, so she sent a heart touching message to her father saying, "Daddy thank you for the love and support you have given me, I appreciate everything you have done for me in the condition I find myself. I want to ask you for a favor, please the money you have saved for my surgery I want you to use it to build our house on the land you bought years ago. If God decides to call me home let it be that I died in our own house peacefully. I also want us to live a comfortable life." When Hazon read this message he broke down in tears, he went to his Spiritual Father and poured out his heart to him and showed him the text message his daughter sent. Hazon's Spiritual Father said to him, "it is not the will of God for Love to undergo surgery, do as your daughter has said and when you have exhausted the money you have saved in building the house, tell her to wait patiently until when you have more finances to complete the building."

Hazon did as he was told and did not tell anyone about his plans on building a new house. More money kept coming in and things were going perfectly, until one day on his way to the site coincidently he crossed paths with his brother Samuel and said to him, "Samuel my brother I want to show you something that no one knows about, you know you are my favorite." Hazon took him to the site and told him he is building a house. As Samuel saw this, he was full of jealousy, envy, hatred, rage and bitterness in his heart. As Hazon took him round the building Samuel placed his hand on the wall and left a mark.

Few days later, Samuel went to the construction site when all the workers had retired to their homes. Samuel picked the sand on the ground in the premises raised his hand up to the sky and laid and spoke to the sand saying, "Hazon you will never finish building this house to your taste." Samuel threw the sand into the air and took some amount of the sand again and took it to his coven and kept it on the altar in a small pot.

After this incident, things began to go wrong, everything started crumbling down. There was no longer money and flow of income again. The construction of the house stopped suddenly for almost a year. Hazon was spiritually blinded and was manipulated that he does not think straight neither is he sensitive to the Holy Spirit. He used his hands to close the opened door. Maraya was very angry at Hazon because they both agreed to keep the house a secrete until the house is ready for them to move in, but he broke that agreement.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight."

Hazon took a very wrong decision just to fulfill the request of his daughter forgetting the advice his Spiritual Father gave him in regard to finances. Without discussing his ideas and decisions with his wife, Hazon got a loan from an individual worth millions of naira with a set agreement of paying back at a set period of time. The family thought he got the money from one of the jobs he has done. Hazon did not think it wise to get legal advice from his lawyer to draft a contract between both parties.

Hazon used the money to complete the building, the exterior of the house was incomplete but the interior was completed. Hazon and his family moved into their new home in August 2018 with the hope of completing it to their taste. The consequences of his actions in taking that wrong decision was yet to come.