Rachel Joy2023/06/20 17:22

NOTICE: This chapter contains themes of abuse and rape and detailed expressions which may be upsetting to readers.


In the month of October 2012, Rejoice got admission into the university abroad. There were series of unfortunate events that took place in her life that left a big scar.

Hazon told his siblings that his daughter has gotten admission to study abroad. His brothers became jealous and envious of him. They uttered words saying "Hazon you are making your children more superior than ours. Why will you send your daughter to school abroad, are there not good schools in Nigeria? What if tomorrow you die who will sponsor her education?.

Hazon replied them saying, "God forbid i will not die, or are you praying for me to die? You all should better withdraw that statement you made". They all had a stony and bitter heart towards Hazon. Hazon's siblings vowed that Rejoice will suffer and will not finish well.

Rejoice is an introvert who keeps to herself and can't stand up for herself.

Rejoice had a friend in her freshman semester called Anna. Anna had bad intentions towards Rejoice, so she asked Rejoice, "have you been dis-flowered?" Rejoice answered, "no i have not, i am keeping myself till i get married?"

Anna laughed, "why are you keeping it, girls in this modern era loose it at the age of 16"

Rejoice answered and said to her, "God forbid, i cannot do such a thing, please lets change the topic".

Unknowingly to Rejoice, Anna used the information against her and led her into a trap. As the sun was setting, Anna took Rejoice out to see a friend of hers. When they got to their destination, Anna introduced her friend Idris to Rejoice.

Anna excused herself and said to Rejoice, "babe let me step out and get something i will be back". Rejoice was beginning to get uncomfortable and tried to leave after a while.

As Rejoice made attempt to leave, Idris grabbed her by the waist and pushed her to the bed. Rejoice struggled out of his grip but she was too fragile to break herself loose from his grip. He looked muscular and two times bigger than Rejoice. Rejoice screamed for help, but no one could hear her. He placed his hands on her mouth and tried to strangle her as she fought back, but there was no escape.

After the unfortunate experience she had, she cried her heart out in pain and agony as Idris slept on the bed with the keys of the door in his hand. As soon as it was dawn, Rejoice opened her eyes and saw the door opened. She ran for her dear life and went back to the hostel. She was really traumatize by this experience that she couldn't tell her mom. Rejoice lost her virginity and her self esteem and she never saw Anna again till date.

Psalm 51:1 says, "Have pity on me o God. Have pity on me, because my soul takes refuge in you. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until destructive storms pass by."

Rejoice did not see her period for almost two weeks, she got really scared that she might be pregnant. When the holidays came, she went back to Nigeria. Rejoice contacted a family friend who she confides in from time to time. She told him her experience and her fears. He took her to the hospital for checkup. Her test result came clean and she was relieved that she was not pregnant neither does she have any STDS.

Rejoice couldn't sleep well because she feels that someone would come and harm her. She was very alert about the people around her and the kind of friends she makes. Rejoice later summoned courage to tell her mom after one year. Her parents were so devastated by the news. Hazon cried to God asking, "what have i done to deserve this hurt, why me oh God why me? Who have i offend? Whoever did this to my daughter you will never know peace and you will suffer for the rest of your life until you repent to God of your sins".

Rejoice was beginning to regain herself, but things got worse for her at school, she never knew this was the beginning of hurts and pains in her life.