How Do You Want to Die?

Right Corner2022/10/29 12:56

A Poem by: Danje E.B

How Do You Want to Die?

I wanna die unhappy

I wanna die unloved

I wanna die unappreciated

I wanna die like I never existed

But who would want to die?

Are only those who tried? 

Or anyone who is tired?

Who would not be scared of death?

My  friend darkness introduced himself

“What’s so scary about death?”

Is it losing your  beloved or is it dying unloved?

Is it dying unhappy, or is it their happiness that you're dead?

Is it being unappreciated or is it the fact that you're alive but never existed?

Tell me! Why is death so scary?

Because I am willing to be frightened, I am willing to sacrifice

I am willing to hold my breath a hundred times

And bury myself underneath a sycamore tree

Where no one else can think of me

I wanna die unhappy, so they could feel my grief

I wanna die unloved so they could pity themselves in guilt

I wanna die unappreciated so they could realize my effort

I wanna die like I was there but  never existed, so I’d be missed

Though hopefully  I die happy to be in peace

To die loved because I was in love

To die appreciated, because I was kind enough for the world

To die as if I still exist, so I would not be missed

This is how I want to die

To die happy

To die in love

To die appreciated like everyday existed

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