Mastering communication: effective ways of getting ur prayers answered.
Because we oooknot the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal
2 Cor 4:18
For we walk by faith and not by sight
2 cor 5:7
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (KJV)
Heb 11:1.
Faith is how Christians should see. Try this,tear a piece of paper and write something on it, get someone else beside you and place the pieces of paper in front of you close your eyes and strech forth your hand to reach out for one of the pieces of paper. The guess what u picked and ask the person beside you "what did u pick". Now notice when the person beside you tells u what he picked then you live by what he says and not what you get. The same thing can be attributed to the word of God, you are suppose to live by what the word says and not what you see. But how does the word of God affect our faith. According to script in Romans 10:17.
So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the preaching of Christ.
The KJV version is
So faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God.
The word of faith was sent to guide us so as to not be decieved by what is seen. By what is seen many Christians will be decieved and this affects there mentality which also affects there prayers. But sometimes we can't just stop the way we think. Why? because Satan keep targeting ur mind. Remember proverbs 16:9 says;
A man's mind plans his ways...
Satan knows that what you think is u are. So if u think that u are poor then you are poor but if u carry a rich mentality u will be rich but if u think sick then you are sick but if you act healthy u will be healthy. Let look at Revelation 3:17-18;
For u say, I am rich, have prospered, and need nothing; not knowing that you are wrecked, potable, poor, blind and naked. Therefore I consel u to buy from me gold refined by fire, that u may be rich, and white garments to clothes u and to keep the shame of nakedness from being seen, and salve to anoint ur eyes, that u may see
Now in other words God was saying, “if you have a rich mentality, u will become rich. Now let imagine that was a man named Dave. He is poor,now remember how they describe how poor he is (by sight) but they also describe how big was his faith (by faith) and he saw it coming to manifestation. But how can we stop this bad thinking:
• pray for it to stop.
• keep urself busy
Why does people say an idle man is the devil workshop? Coz if u are idle (only for an hour) Satan begins to control u through ur mentality by sending in temptations.
• Mediate on good stuff, goals, God's word and what u have read and so on...
• Keep reminding urself of testimonies.
And they have conquer him (Satan) by the blood of the lamp and the the word of their testimonies...
Rev 12:11
• continue to feed on the word of God.
So faith comes from what is heard from what is heard and what is heard comes from the preaching of Christ
Romans 10:17
And so on... In conclusion of this chapter thinking affect your faith and we live by faith to see your prayers answered
But how can we get faith
• Be born again
• Remain born again
• Continue to feed and meditate on the word of God and testimonies
But another effective way of praying is: