Mastering communication: effective ways of getting ur prayers answered.
Chapter 4 - Chapter 2: Be careful of your act after prayer
The same way ur act can promote your prayers, is the same way your actions can ruin ur prayers. But those action are came from one part of your body and they're:
The tongue
In one of the winners mid week service, bishop David o. Oyedapo said, “what you say after prayer is way more important than the things you say during prayer. For example you just prayed to God to provide u car and someone said, ‘Do u have a car?’ and you reply, ‘No I don't’. And like that you have ruin ur prayers.” If that is not enough proof for u let look at what an early apostle said about the tongue in James 3:6-10;
And the tongue of fire .this tongue is an unrighteous world among our members, staining the body, setting on fire the cycle of nature; and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has tamed human kind, but no human being can tame the tongue–a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and father, and made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessings and cursing. My brethen, this ought not be so.
So this (👅) tongue is a dangerous weapon. Number 2;
Sin and disobedience
Let look at Solomon who was full wisdom because he prayed about it and he disobey God and his wisdom stop flowing (1 Kings 3 and 11)