I can barely walk
As I can barely see
How my life was turn
Into a nightmare
The moment that
I have known you
It has turn to bad
To worst, to laughter
To sadness, you had
Destroyed my life
You had chain me
You had suckled me
Making me believe
That you had love me
That you had cared
But the truth is you
Don't even care, you
Don't even loved me
You only think of
Yourself, you only
Want, what is best
For you, and I regret
Knowing you, that I
Had talked with you
So foolish, so stupid,
So dumb, so reckless,
So not into me, please
Put a knife in my chest
And kill me, shot me in
The eyes
Tear me to pieces
Bury my ash, push me
Down the cliff I don't
Care as long as I stay
Dead, not even breathing
Please do that to me
I am begging you
Sept 5, 2022
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