Why i didn't report?
I had heard that this world is temporary and the people here are also temporary, whoever thinks that they bring such people by looking at one side or they see what happened in their eyes.. We are left with a world where izzat takeaway easily but don't give back . We are living in a place where a transgender is humiliated instead of being respected and raised for their rights.. Where in the world are the prosecutors, at any country there are prosecutors in an illegal way. Who is the prosecutor who came to the side? What was the compulsion to take it? Relationships are broken..Brothers don't respect sisters..I am 19 years old and till date I have seen many cases like about that girl is violated. only one thing. But when the matter of justice is so closed in everyone's mind... with whom everything had happened, even our parents do not speak well due to which reason?the reason is that they think they will ashamed of raising the voice of justice and this thinking comes from the surroundi