Lose weight fast/10sicret places where fats are present in our body

Chapter 1 - Lose weight fast/10sicret places where fats are present in our body

fitness662022/07/02 18:47

Everything you need to know about fat types, location, that having too much body fat could be bad for your health. You probably focus on how much you have, but another aspect worth paying attention to is fat distribution — or where you have it. Turns out, there are certain places where having excess fat could be problematic. And there are other places where it might not be that big of a deal.

Have you ever looked in a mirror while standing next to someone else? When comparing your and your partner’s sizes, you may notice all of the different ways in which your bodies display fat and thickness. You personally may have fat stored in the thighs and buttocks, whereas the person next to you may have fat in their belly and arms.
How are fats produced?
When the nutrients broken down in the small intestine are absorbed into our bloodstream, the glucose (sugar) level in our blood increases. The pancreas, which constantly monitors the sugar levels in the blood, secretes a hormone called insulin when it senses such an increase. Insulin released in the bloodstream signals the muscle cells and other cells of our body to take up glucose from the blood in order to decrease the blood sugar level. These cells receive the message — thanks to insulin receptors embedded in the cell membrane — and take up the glucose from the blood for energy. When the cells have taken up all the energy they need, insulin signals the liver to take up glucose and store it as a starch called glycogen (glycogen will be converted back into glucose once the sugar content in blood decreases). However, when the glycogen stores are full, lipogenesis (fat production) is stimulated.
Where are fats stored?
Fats are stored in adipocytes, the cells of a loose connective tissue called adipose tissue. An adipocyte is like a little packet in which a droplet of fat can be stored. Adipose tissue is found under the skin (subcutaneous), around the internal organs (visceral), within the bone marrow, and in breast tissue. It is found in different locations of the body, called adipose depots. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is found in the abdomen, hip, thighs, etc. Visceral adipose tissue is intra-abdominally located around the vital organs of the body.
Distribution of fats:
We often hear the terms ‘apple’ or ‘pear’ body types in relation to the region of the body where fat is stored. Apple shaped body types store fat in the central part of their body, while pear-shaped types store it in the lower part of their body. Let’s try to understand the possible reasons why different people store fat in different regions of their body.

What’s the difference? Why do people store their fat in different parts of the body? Is it easier to lose weight in certain areas than in others?

It’s all About the Hormones.
One of the biggest influencers of where we store our body fat is hormones. Your hormone level indicates how much fat you have and where it sits on your body. Getting a better understanding of specific hormones and how they work can help you determine what to do about your body fat.
Here are some of the most common hormones and how they influence fat:
I) Insulin
Insulin regulates how well you metabolize carbohydrates. This is what creates fat pockets known as love handles, which typically sit on your hips. The best way to combat this is by reducing the amount of sugar and carbohydrates you consume. You can also seek liposuction in Beverly Hills for a comprehensive fat removal.
II) Estrogen
Increased estrogen leads to the development of thigh and arm fat. The primary female sex hormone typically causes fat to build up in these areas, and it can be difficult to get rid of. Try getting rid of items that contain BPA and get rid of chemicals in skin care products as well.
III) Thyroxine
This is a hormone in the thyroid gland that contributes to upper back fat. If you have upper back fat, try eating more cruciferous vegetables and avoid gluten and soy products for a while.
IV) Cortisol
Also known as the stress hormone, cortisol directly influences the amount of fat in your belly. Of course, other hormones like estrogen and insulin, and outside factors such as stress and poor diet can also contribute to belly fat. But cortisol can be improved by eating more lean meats, vegetables, and fruits.

Think about Good Vs. Bad Fat
One thing our professionals at the office of Dr. Brent want you to know is that it’s okay to have some fat. There are certain types of fat that are essential for the healthy production of hormones, proteins, and other nutrients in the body. So, when seeking liposuction in Beverly Hills, keep the following statistics in mind: The average body fat range for a woman is between 25% and 31%. This is considered the healthy range and fat removal is not necessary.
The average body fat range for a fit woman is 21-24%. It is not needed to have a lower fat percentage than that.
It’s important to consider where the fat on your body is stored, and how large of a body fat percentage you have. Some fat pockets can be easily dissipated by a change in diet or exercise, while other fat areas may take more time and energy to remove. Read more: https://bit.ly/3NGX5rM

1. Where your fat is located isn’t totally in your control — especially as you get older: You have plenty of say over your total amount of body fat. As for where that fat tends to show up? That can be a little harder to manage. Most people tend to accumulate fat either in their midsection or in their hips and thighs. But your genes, sex, age, and hormones could affect how much fat you have and where it goes.
2. But there’s more than one type of body fat to pay attention to:
Believe it or not, there are three. Not only does each one have a different function. They’re all located in different parts of your body. Here’s a breakdown of what these fat types are:
I) Subcutaneous fat sits on top of your muscle, right underneath your skin. It’s the kind you can poke or pinch, often around your butt, hips, or thighs. This makes up about 90% percent of our fat stores.
II) Visceral fat sits deep inside the abdominal cavity. It surrounds vital organs like the liver, intestines, and heart. Unlike subcutaneous fat, you can’t touch or feel it. But it can pose serious health risks. (More on this later.)
III) Brown fat is a special type of fat that actually helps the body burn extra calories to stay warm. Babies have a lot of brown fat, but adults have small amounts too, mostly around the shoulder and chest areas. A small study involving five men found spending time in chilly temperatures — around 66°F (19°C) or cooler — can activate it and boost calorie burning.
3. Subcutaneous, the ‘pinchable’ kind, actually has some important benefits: Subcutaneous fat is basically stored energy. Small amounts of it can be more helpful than you think. It pumps out hormones like leptin, which signal to the brain that you’re full and don’t need to keep eating. It also makes adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory hormone that plays a role in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. In other words? Resist that urge to judge your jiggle. It can be a good thing.
4. Too much visceral fat can be dangerous:
Because it’s stored around your vital organs, visceral fat can make its way into your liver. From there, it’s turned into cholesterol, which travels into the bloodstream and clogs up arteries. Visceral fats is also thought to signal the release of inflammatory chemicals and contribute to insulin resistance. Both of these processes can wreak havoc on the body. While it’s hard to recognize how much visceral fat you have, having too much is surprisingly common. Machines shows that 44 percent of women and 42 percent of men have excess visceral fat. The most precise way to measure the amount in your body is with an MRI or CT scan.
5. BMI isn’t always the best predictor of healthy body fat levels: You’re more likely to have too much visceral fat if your to body mass index (BMI) falls in the overweight (25 to 29.9) or obese (30 or above) category. But you shouldn’t rely on BMI alone to tell you whether your body fat falls in the healthy range, says Ayoob. Research shows that 22 percent of men and 8 percent of women who are considered normal weight actually have too much visceral fat. (And are at risk for the health problems that can come with it.) The opposite can also be true 22% men and 10% women with obesity have levels of visceral fat that fall within the normal range. The takeaway? It’s just as important to pay attention to the amount of fat around your midsection as the number on the scale.
6. Your lifestyle factors can affect how much visceral fat builds up:
Your body doesn’t have all the say over where your fat tends to live. Certain lifestyle factors also play a role. Here are three common habits that cause visceral fat to build up:
I) Eating too much junk food. “These foods have the ability to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, triggering a spike in insulin, which acts as a fat deposit hormone,” says integrative weight loss specialist Luiza Petre, MD. Getting too much saturated fats seems to promote the buildup of visceral fat too.
II) Being sedentary. The more time you spend sitting, the greater your waist circumference is likely to be, finding suggest.

Turns out, there are certain places where having excess fat could be problematic. And there are other places where it might not be that big of a deal. How can you tell the difference? Here’s what you should know about fat distribution and what it can tell you about your health. Plus, here’s how you can achieve a better balance.
7. Six ways to achieve healthier fat distribution:
You might not have complete control over where your body prefers to store fat. Still, that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to keep excess fat from ending up in potentially harmful places, like deep in your belly.
1) Choose complex carbs and protein over the sugary stuff. They digest at a slower rate, so your insulin levels stay steady instead of spiking and prompting your body to store extra belly fat, Petre says.
2) Go for healthier dietary fats. Polyunsaturated fats like walnuts, salmon, and flax seeds are an especially good bet — especially when you swap them in for saturated fats. Findings suggest that polyunsaturated fats promote the growth of calorie torching muscle tissue, while saturated fats seem to encourage excess fat storage.
3) Exercise — and try to up the intensity. Get the most bang for your buck by breaking a sweat. Strength training helps increase muscle mass, which in turn reduces body fat, explains Petre. High intensity intervals (like alternating sprinting with walking) are more effective for attacking visceral fat than moderate aerobic exercise, research shows.
4) Try to keep your stress in check. Taming the tension keeps your system from constantly getting flooded with cortisol. That in turn can help keep excess fat from taking up home in your visceral tissue, Peeke says.
5) Limit your booze intake. Flooding your system with excessive amounts of alcohol in one sitting means more of the calories could get stored as visceral fat. Heavier drinkers tend to have higher levels of belly fat as well, so stick to no more than one drink a day (for women) or two per day (for men). And above all, avoid binge drinking. 
Don’t try all these steps at once if it seems overwhelming. Enjoying the baby steps and building lifelong habits is more effective and healthier for yourself. If anything, remember this key tip: Watch your portions overall. When you eat too much of any food — even healthy ones — the extra calories your body doesn’t need get stored as fat. Read more: https://bit.ly/3NGX5rM