Chapter 17 - Chapter 17
Mheerat and I are back together. While we were still in Kaduna, I paid a visit to her parents. They welcomed me with open arms. Her little brother ateeq and I got along quite well. We mostly talked about video games. Am glad I have her back but the trouble isn't over just yet. That guy is still out there probably watching us. He'll try to attack us again but this time we'll be one step ahead of him.
I informed the inspector about this. We came up with a plan to get him in our custody. We'll make sure he knows that we're back together. That way he'll come for us. That way we'll be able to catch him. We just have to lure him in.
I went back to my old life in Lagos. I got my job and my boyfriend back. It was sad leaving the marketing firm but it just wasn't where I belonged. Mr Amos was sad to see me leave but he supported why I had to. Jamal and aisha we're pained to see me leave but they're still my friends no matter where I worked. I promised to stay in touch with them.
My apartment had been given out to another occupant since I didn't know I was going to be back here. Afeez suggested I stay with him. There was nothing much to consider about so I moved in with him.
Am glad to be back home, here in the arms of the love of my life, to have the job I love so much back, to be here in this city. I moved here a while ago as an outsider but now I feel like this is my home. This is where I truly belong.
Am glad to have you back home babygirl
Am glad to be back home my love.
Babygirl I need to go to the office later today. A client who's flying into Nigeria from the US is coming for a board meeting this evening. I have to be there to attend.
We'll I won't let you go alone. As your girlfriend and your P.A, I have every right to follow you. And don't think you can talk me out of it. Am going with you.
Ok fine you can come along clingy.
Who says am clingy. Am not clingy am just careful.
Stepping into the office, I was welcomed by a fury looking nazee.
You better take off your heels and start running
Huh why should I run. I didn't know what she meant not until she charged towards me. I took off my heels running as fast as my legs could take me. Leo placing a leg Infront of me making me fall on my face. Dude that's not fair I said to him. Nazee caught up to me hovering over me like she could kill me.
What is wrong with you. Do you know how worried you got me. For 6months I couldn't reach you, you resigned and even moved to a different city without letting us know. You left without a goodbye.
Nazee I can explain. I didn't mean to leave you guys like that i said looking at her and Leo apologetically. Am sorry I didn't say anything. I had a problem I had to deal with that was why I left. Am really sorry guys it won't happen again.
Ohh babe you could have told us about it atleast. You know a problem shared is a problem solved. Even if we couldn't do anything about it atleast we could have tried. But it's fine babe. I forgive you. But if you ever do that again I'll kill you.
Classy nazee, always with the threats but no action. I've missed you both so much I said hugging them both. We've missed you too.
Did you know Mr Owolabi lost it without you? He barely came to the office and when he was around he was always angry. One day he got so upset he fired Daniel from the fabric department without any reason. He was pretty miserable without you mheerat. Don't leave him again nazee said.
Wow I put alot of people through so much just by leaving. I will never leave again. The meeting went well. After work, I decided to pay zulaykha a visit. Am sure she's pretty pissed with me right now.
What are you doing here runaway best friend.
Zulaykha first I want to apologize for leaving without informing you. Am sorry I should have atleast said something. Am really sorry.
Huh! Whatever...
C'mon zulaykha. Am sorry I left because of a threat I received I should have told you something atleast but I was foolish not to do so. But am back now and am not leaving this time around.
I forgive you boo. Am just glad you're back. I have so much to tell you.
Zulaykha and I ended up catching up on what we lost. I've missed this bestie of mine.
Afeez and I decided to go out more so it would be easy to lure that guy in. We had dinner at our favorite restaurant. We waited for the guy to show up but he didn't. We gave up for the day and tried our luck again tomorrow.
This time we went to the park, the sun was down already. As we were about to give up and go home, the guy and his boys came. This time they brought weapons. Before they could attack us, they were surrounded by the police.
Not a smart move crazy dude...
They were brought into custody, the other goons detained in the cell while the leader was brought to the confession room. He sat across the officer while afeez and I sat at the far corner of the room.
Officer: Do you know those people sitting over there.
Goon: yes sir
Office: And what business do you have with them.
Goon: I don't have any business with them. I was only doing what I was instructed.
Officer: What you're trying to say is that you don't have any personal problems with them right
Goon: yes sir
Officer: you said you we're only following instructions. Who sent you?
Goon: sir if I tell you, please let me go. I was only taking orders from someone.
Officer: just tell me who sent you?
Goon: I don't know him personally, I have never even seen him before. He only give me instructions on the phone. All I know about him is that he goes by the name scorpion.
Officer: mheerat do you know anyone who goes by the name scorpion
No sir I haven't heard that name before. How about you Mr afeez have you heard of that name before the officer asked afeez.
Scorpion. I've heard that name before I can't remember where. Yes! Back then when I was staying with Tj. I overheard him having a phone conversation. He mentioned the name scorpion. Sir I turned to the officer. I think I know who has an idea about this scorpion guy.
I have to talk to Tj