Chapter 18 - Chapter 18
I was back at my parents house. I dropped mheerat there knowing she'd be in good hands. My mum was there to keep her company. She has missed her so much already. I went over to Tj's house to have a talk with him.
Tj I need you to please tell me the truth. Do you know anyone who goes by the name scorpion? He looked like he'd seen a ghost.
Wait bro how do you know scorpion.
I don't know him. He sent his guy to threaten mheerat to stay away from me if not he'd kill me. I've heard you mention the name scorpion before. What kind of connection do you have with him.
Scorpion was among the bad company I kept back then. He was also amongst those who wanted me dead. He's the main reason why I joined the Mafia. I sent him to jail but it seems he's out to get revenge.
But why would he go through me and mheerat. We have nothing to do with him.
I guess he found out about you. Probably when you came over the other time for dinner. I told you before, I hid you so he wouldn't find you and use you as a threat but it seems it's too late now. He's willing to go through you just to get to me. He's going after my most prized possession. My family.
Tj we have to stop this guy. We sent his guys to jail am sure by now he has already figured out we did it and he'll come for us. We have to stop him before he gets to us.
Where is mheerat Tj asked. I left with with mum at home. I've also doubled the security around the house. We have to report this to the police. They'll know what to do.
My dad, Tj and I headed to the station to inform the inspector about our findings. This scorpion guy has a record for several murder cases and lots of dirty works. We still don't know how he got out of jail but he's out seeking one thing. To take out Tj and he's willing to do anything to have him. Even if it means hurting my girlfriend and I.
Mrs Owolabi and I were in the kitchen baking cupcakes. I've missed her so much. We were taking the cupcakes out of the oven when we heard loud noises coming from outside. Auzubillah what was that noise Mrs Owolabi asked. Mum just stay here I'll go check what's going on.
I walked up to the front of the house. All the guards were dead. Oh no what happened. Who could have done this. Wait scorp.... Before I could finish my own words, a strong hands held me placing a piece of cloth over my nose. I was consumed with the smell. The last thing I saw was Mrs Owolabi running up to me crying before I went unconscious.
I woke up with a sharp pain around my wrist. My hands and legs we're tied to the chair I was sitting on. The room was lit so dimly it was hard for me to see where I was. My head hurts. I wanted to scream when my own sounds were muffled by a piece of cloth around my mouth. I was gagged. My heart started racing. I remember hearing loud noises then I walked out to see what was wrong. All the guards laid on the floor dead. Then someone put a cloth over my nose. I remember seeing Mrs Owolabi running up to be before I feel asleep.
There could only be one person who'd do that. Scorpion. He was at the house. He kidnapped me and brought me here. No one knows where I am. Even i myself don't know where i am. I started to panic. What is he going to do to me. Is he going to kill me.
The door opened blinding my eyes from the bright light. A man walked up to me laughing maniacally. His laugh alone sent shivers down my spine.
So you're the bitch who got my boys locked up in jail huh! I thought I warned you to stay away from that Owolabi guy but you refused. Now you'll have to pay the price.
His hands went across my face. The pain stinging me. He slapped me again. He punched me several times. My face was already bleeding by now. The pain was too much for me to handle. Am I going to die like this? Is he going to continue beating me till I draw my last breath?
Where are you afeez? I need you right now...
My mum's call came in while I was still at the inspector s office. Hello mummy...
Mhee... mheerat is gone afeez. She's gone.
What! I sprung up from my seat. Am on my way mum. Dad, Tj we need to go. I think scorpion made his way to the house and he has mheerat. Let's go.
I got home seeing all the security men dead. I went inside calling out for my mum. Mum mum where are you? I heard her calling me from her bedroom. It was locked. He locked her up in her room. We broke the door down.
Mum are you ok? What happened?
We heard loud nosies from outside. Mheerat went to check it out when a scary looking man with so many tattoos placed something on her nose making her unconscious. I rushed up to her but he pushed me away and locked me up. You need to save her AZ. You need to bring her back.
I turned to Tj looking for the confirmation I wanted. Scorpion has alot of tattoos he said. He's the one. He has my girlfriend in his custody.
He stopped beating me, he untied me dragging me out of the room. I noticed that where I was looked like an old warehouse. We were at the top floor now. A chair facing the edge of the floor which was atleast 12 stories up. A gun lying on the floor, a rope inside a bag.
What is he going to do to me. Is he going to hang me then tie my body to the chair and push me from 12 stories up? Oh no this is the end. Am going to die and no one will even know. I never thought I'd die like this. Afeez where are you. I hope you get here before it's too late.
Scorpion tied me to the chair facing me directly to my fall. He tied me to the chair with the rope hanging on a metal rod. I get what he's going to do. If he should cut the only rope suspending me, I'd fall to my death.
This is the end for me
Az . Tj called me I know where he has taken her to. It's the old warehouse. That's the place he has dreamed of killing me. We have to go.
We got to the old warehouse. The police force were scattered round the building. I looked up and there the bastard was. Scorpion I called out. Where is my girlfriend you idiot.
Well let's just say that little girlfriend of yours is hanging. Moments away from her death.
He's going to kill her. Let her go or else.
Or else what Owolabi. You see this knife right here in my hands. If I use it to cut the only rope holding her from falling, then your girlfriend goes bye bye.
Am the one you have a problem with scorpion Tj said. Let her go she has nothing to do with this.
You've made me suffer alot just to kill you Tj. But this time I won't kill you alone. I'll kill your brother and his girlfriend along. You think you can run away from me huh well not anymore. Your time to die is now.
While scorpion was talking, one of the officers shot him on his leg. He fell down dropping the knife on his hands to the floor. I hurried up to him kicking the knife out of his reach. I rushed over to where mheerat was. She was dangling with only the rope suspending her.
I could hear scorpion talking, then I heard a gun shot. What happened? Who got shut? I looked up to see afeez dragging me up by the rope. He came. My knight and shining armor is here to save me. I wouldn't die like this after all.
When he was done untying me, he hugged me so tightly almost squeezing out the air in me.
Am glad you're ok.
I saw scorpion pointing a gun towards me. I closed my eyes ready to be hit but all I heard was gun shot and no pain. Why wasn't I feeling any pain. I opened my eyes and saw afeez leaning down on me. Blood stains on my hands. He took the bullet for me.
He came in front of me preventing me from the bullet. At that moment, my world felt like it exploded. My heart felt like it stopped. Afeez stay we me I said crying. Please stay with me. Don't close your eyes please don't close your eyes. Even with the pain he felt, he gave me a weak smile.
The police surrounded scorpion placing him in handcuffs. Call the ambulance. Someone please call the ambulance I cried out. Tj walked up to me informing me that the ambulance were on thier way. I blocked out every other noise only focusing on the his faint breathing. I could here the siren of the ambulance from far away.
Hang on my love. Help is on the way