Chasing Her Dreams

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Pheeya2022/06/20 21:14

*Back together


I walked into the conference hall with one thing on my mind. "To see afeez". He walked into the conference hall without sparing a single glance at me. His eyes were dark and empty. His face carried an expression of I don't care don't talk to me. He didn't look welcoming at all. The once happy and joyful afeez is now a rock hard I don't care guy with only work on his mind.

So miss Ibrahim can you prove to us why you think we should invest in your company afeez said to me carrying a very serious and deadly look. His voice sounding very commanding.

Yes sir. Our company has worked with so many other companies In terms of partnership and investment. Here at the marketing firm we assure that you are in safe hands. We recommend higher purchases which will not only bring your company more buyers but increase your net profit as well.

Did he buy it. Was he convinced? I couldn't tell since he had no sort of expression written on his face.

Thanks for having us mr Amos. We will get back to you shortly. He said and walked out of the room.

I was still in the conference hall clearing my items when he came up behind me.

Well if it isn't the woman who ups and leaves just like that. I hope you're not planning on leaving this place just like you left me miss Ibrahim.

Excuse me Mr Owolabi I said to him feeling irritated by his words. This is my place of work and I'd rather not discuss personal issues here. I thought we were professionals.

Ohh cut the crap mheerat. You left me without a valid reason. You said you don't love me. It's been 6months since you left and within that 6 months I've been miserable. Why Mheerat? Why did you leave me like that.

The pain once again. To face him and tell him these exact same words as last time. Like I said before mr owolabi, I don't love you period.

Just stop deceiving yourself mheerat. I can see it in your eyes. I've always seen it in your eyes. The love you have for me. Don't lie that you don't love me when you clearly do. I've missed you like crazy. My life has been filled with hatred and regret. Regret that I let you walk out that door. Please come back to me. I need you mheerat please.

He's right. I lied that I don't love him when I clearly do with all of my heart. I still love him and I will keep loving him. Letting him go has been the worse. I don't want that to happen again. I can't afford to loose him again.

Please mheerat. If I have wronged you am truly sorry. I need you in my life. You complete me. Am just an empty vessel without you. Since I lost you I've been useless. Make me useful again by coming back to me. I promise I will do my best. I promise I won't ever let you go again.

He kissed me like he needed air to breath. I did the same. I've missed his lips on mine. His touch, his smell, his presence. I've missed everything about him.

Tell me you don't miss this. Tell me you don't miss the bond we have?

How could I not miss this. How could I not miss the love of my life. I can't do this anymore. I can't keep running away forever. I need him.

Am sorry I left you afeez. I did that due to some reasons. Leaving you was the biggest mistake I made. I haven't been happy since I left. You are where I belong.

Please don't ever leave me again mheerat.

I'll never leave you again afeez.


I was a fool for letting her go. I let her leave without stopping her. But that will never happen again. Now that I have her back, I promise to stand by her side.

You know babygirl, not having you in my life brought back the old me. Boring with a black heart. But now that you're back you've brought life into my lost soul. These past six months I've hated everyone. I tried to move on but it was impossible for me. I never want to loose you again.

I never want to loose you too my love. Am sorry I left you like that.

Speaking of which. Why did you leave like that?

The guy who had a knife to my throat and made his guys beat you up, he was at my house. He warned me to stay away from you If I didn't want to be the cause of your death. He told me not to tell anyone. At first I didn't take him seriously and I didn't want to tell you getting you all worked up for nothing. But he attacked us. He warned me again to stay away from you if not he'd kill you. I couldn't afford for anything bad to happen to you so I left. Am sorry I didn't tell you. I was just trying to protect you.

It's ok my love. What's important now is that we know the reason why you left. But what problem does this guy have with the both of us. I don't know him neither do you. So why did he have to threaten you?

I don't know babe but am really scared. He had eyes on us before. When I left, he stopped bothering me. What now if he finds out that we're back together. I don't want him hurting you. I can't afford to loose you.

It's ok babygirl. I'll inform the police about this. What we need to do is have him come after us. With the help of the police we'll be able to catch him and have him confess why he's against us been together because I don't understand why someone who we don't have any connection whatsoever with is against us. Don't stress yourself . Everything will be ok.

We just have to find this guy...