Chasing Her Dreams

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Pheeya2022/06/20 21:14



I woke up today with a splitting headache. I searched the cabinet for some pain reliever. I gulped it down with a glass of water walking into my bathroom to take my bath. I only had coffee and 2 slice of bread for breakfast. I didn't have enough time to cook or else I'd run late.

Alot has to be done today. I finished working on the concept for the billboard and had it edited in the production department. Today is scheduled for the meeting with Mr Anderson's who is flying into Nigeria from the states. I have to get the concept reading and all necessary files ready. I stepped into the building hearing Mr Marcus call out for me.

"Mheerat! Thank God you're here. I need you to go down to the HR department and have this file delivered to Mrs Smith. She'll then hand you over the files for the textile department while you'll have to come up with a recommendation plan for the new fabrics that'll be imported by the end of this week"

"Today isn't going be easy for me"

Once I was done with what Mr Marcus asked me, I headed to the conference room to start up the presentation. Thank God the meeting was a success if not.......

Exhaustion was clearly written all over my body but I couldn't rest because I still have alot of things to do. I stepped into Mr Owolabi's office. Mheerat you look so exhausted. Have you even had your break? No sir I haven't. I still have to work on the portfolio and the new ad for the campaign coming soon I said to him walking over to his desk to pick up the files.


Mheerat walked into my office looking like she hadn't slept in days. What happened to you? You look exhausted I asked her. Yes sir I still have to work on the portfolio and the new ad for the campaign. But still you need to take a break I said to her feeling worried about her. I noticed her loosing balance. She collapsed. Luckily I was fast enough to catch her before she fell to the ground. She went unconscious. Oh no mheerat. Are you ok? I said shaking her. Why Mheerat? Why do you have to work so hard? I called for the receptionist to get my car ready. I carried her walking into the elevator. I placed her gently into the car driving out of the building.

"Please be ok"


I didn't want to get out of bed. If felt so comfortable. The lights blinding my eyes which I refused to open. Wait my bed isn't as soft as this? I instantly opened my eyes. I was laying in a huge bedroom. The room was x2 of my bedroom. This isn't my room. Where am I? I tried recalling what happened before I went into sleep mode. I was at work. I was talking to afeez and then what? I couldn't place a finger on what happened next.

You're in my room. Afeez said walking in with a tray of food in his hands. Ha.. how did I get here. I asked him with confusion written all over my face. You collapsed in my office earlier today. I brought to my house and have a doctor come check on you. He said you have a fever due to so much stress. Why? Why do you stress yourself so much. Do you know how worried you got me? Concern was clearly ringing in his voice.

Am sorry I got you worried afeez. Is just that when am committed into doing something, I do it till I get it done. Plus alot had to be done in the office today. Well we have other staffs for that. You don't have to over work yourself. Ok? Now you have to eat so you can use your medication. He spoon-feed me saying I wasn't strong enough to feed myself.

Why do you care about me afeez?

After I ate and used my medication, I noticed it was dark already. Uhmm afeez is dark already. I've had enough rest. Am ok now. I should get going so I would be able to get a cab home.

What do you mean you're ok now. You're not going anywhere not when I know you're not fully recovered. You're staying here until am certain you are really ok. But.. he cut me off before I could complete my statement.

But nothing mheerat. You're staying here ok?

Ok. Thanks for taking care of me.

"Don't thank me. I couldn't have watched you and do nothing"

If am to stay here I can't possibly sleep in my body con gown and kimono. Uhmm... I don't have what to wear. I can't really sleep in these clothes I said to him shyly.


I walked into my closet picking out one of my tees and shorts that she could wear. Here I said handing her the clothes. I hope you don't mind wearing those. No I don't. Thank you. I walked into the bathroom getting her bath ready. All you need is in the bathroom. Let me know if you need anything else ok?. Ok sir.

I walked out of the room giving her space to get ready. I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the both of us. Seeing her collapse right in front of me made my heart jump. I got so scared for her. Worry filled my heart when the doctor told me she has a fever. I can't possibly let her go knowing she's still weak. I care about her and I can't stand seeing her in such kind of state.

"What's this feeling? Everytime I see her my heart beats faster. I always want to spend more time with her"

"Whenever am around her I feel happy and relaxed"

"What does this mean?


I took my bath and got into his clothes. They look so big on me but I liked it. I liked his clothes on my body. He became so worried about me. He even feed me and made sure am ok before he let's me go. What am I feeling? When am with him I feel happy.

Stepping out the room, I noticed how huge his house is. The hall way stretches at both ends. Walking down the stairs is this humongous open floor plan living room. At the end was the kitchen and dining area.

My nose was consumed with the aroma from his cooking. Just the sight of him cooking sparked me up. He turned to me noticing my presence. Come sit. Dinner is almost ready. I took a sit next to the island table. I didn't know you cook I said to him. "

"Well now you do. And you can be a judge on it"

I have to admit it. Afeez your food is delicious. How did you learn how to cook like this?

Well I learned from my mum. Whenever she was in the kitchen I'd always stand beside her as a su chef. She taught me the beauty of cooking.

Well I must commend your mum. She did a great job. You would really make a good chef you know i said sending a smile to him.

"Well if you'll be my su chef then maybe I might just consider"

I couldn't help but smile at his reply.

After dinner we were both on the couch arguing on what movie genre was the best. I was supporting horror movies while he was supporting action movies. "Not like I don't like action movies, I do infact I love them. But what makes the top of my list is non other than horror movies. Something about them gets my blood flowing.

In the end none of us won. We both agreed the two were at its best.

Mheerat about what happened the last time. Am sorry I kissed you without your permission.

Uhmm it's ok.

So does it mean that If I kiss you again it'll be ok with you?

Well only one way to find out I said to him. My heart beating like a talking drum. Immediately his lips landed on mine, I lost it.

My senses went flying. All I wanted to do at that moment was kiss him back. And I did. My hands finding thier way to his neck.

Our kiss felt like the only thing that mattered. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I like this. Why do I like this. Why do I enjoy kissing him?. After what felt like forever we parted.

Our eyes staring deeply into each other's soul.

"What is it I feel for you afeez?

Mheerat he said looking straight into my eyes. I like you. I really like you. Since the day I set my eyes on you, I felt something different. Although our first encounter wasn't so perfect. I laughed remembering what happened that day. But really mheerat.

What I feel for you is different.

I like you too afeez. I don't know why but anytime am with you, I feel happy. I feel safe around you. Thanks for looking out for me.

"I really like you afeez. Alot"