Chasing Her Dreams

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Pheeya2022/06/20 21:14



I woke up feeling like a million bucks. Yesterday, I had a great time with afeez. We ended up confessing our feelings to each other. And.... It's my birthday. My mum's call came in immediately I got out of bed. Good morning mummy I said placing the phone on speaker.

"Good morning my dear. Happy birthday my baby"

Awwn tnxs mum. Everyone back home in Kaduna took turns wishing me a happy birthday. I miss them so much. Zulaykha's call came in after I hung up with my mum.

Happiest birthday favorito.

Thanks girl. I hope you've planned for a fun day today because we have to celebrate she said.. I laughed sarcastically at her statement. If you mean fun day as in sitting at home and stuffing my face with food then you got it right.

That's not what I mean. Don't tell me that's what you plan on doing. Nah uh. That's not going to happen on my watch. I'll be coming over later. We'll have the best time today.

Ok ma. Till you get here I said to her hanging up. I went straight to my fridge picking out a box of left over pizza placing it into the microwave. Netflix here I come.

I decided to go for a romance movie this time around. Hmmm I wonder what got me in the mood for that. I ended the movie with my heart full of hope and love.

Awwwn. What can one do for love. I wish for the kind of love Romeo and Juliet had.

I took my bath and got dressed in a pair of Mama's jean, a white tee, a denim blue jacket, a pair of Nike kicks and a white veil and blue bucket hat. I applied some foundation and highlighter. A winged liner, Smoky eyeshadow and a nude lips.

"I deserve to look good on my birthday"

Zulaykha came over. Girl I have planned the best birthday outing for you. Come on let the fun begin.

We went shopping. Zulaykha made me try out anything her hands touched. After that we went to see a movie, we got ice cream, went swimming, and played games in the arcade.

Indeed she was right when she meant she had a fun day planned ahead. Today was fun. Am glad I didn't stick to my initial plan of sitting on my couch and stuffing my face with food. We were back at my apartment. I took the keys out of my bag unlocking the doors.


Everyone was there. Nazee, Leo, hameed and the rest of my colleagues from work.

"Happy birthday mheerat"

Oh my God guys. Thank you all so much. Happiest birthday girly nazee and Leo said hugging me and handing over thier gifts. Thanks you guys. Don't thank us Leo said. Thank the person who made this all happen. I turned to zulaykha to thank her but it turns out she wasn't the one.

Wait zulaykha if you didn't do this. Then who did?

"I did"

That same voice that fills my heart with joy said. I turned to look at afeez walking up to me with a big smile on his face. You did this?


She looked like she saw a ghost, a happy ghost. Happy birthday mheerat i said hugging her.

Wait how did you know it's my birthday today?

Well I have your info registered in a file in my office. Plus nazee and Leo told me. Thanks to zulaykha for pulling this off. Oh my God. Thank you all so much. It really means a lot to me. Am glad you like it.

I know I only told you this yesterday but I've been meaning to ask you for a long time now.

"Mheerat ibrahim will you be my girlfriend?

"Yes! Yes I'll be your girlfriend"

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. I feel like the luckiest man alive. Yes guys she said yes I said to the crowd.

"Cheers to the new couple" Leo raised his glass up

"Cheers" everyone responded.

Thank you for saying yes mheerat. You've made me the happiest man alive today.


I said yes. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. When he popped the question there was only one answer on my mind and that was yes. I didn't have to think about it because this is what I really want. To be in the hands of this man. To have him as my partner. I never knew I felt something deep for him not until few weeks ago.

Make a wish birthday girl he said to me. I made a wish for afeez and I to always be together before blowing out the candles and cutting the cake. The party went very well. Am so happy to see everyone here at my house celebrating this day with me especially my new boyfriend.

Zulaykha ended up beating nazee and Leo at the dance competition. She's a great dancer. But am better. We danced, we laughed, we played games. I couldn't be more happier the way today turned out to be. To see everyone here to celebrate with me brought tears to my eyes.

Few months ago I came to this city alone with no family or friends but now I not just have these people as my friends, I consider them my family. Am surely a lucky girl aren't I?

Who knew faith would bring afeez and I closer to each other. I remember the first day we crossed parts. I didn't even give him a chance to apologize properly and here we are now.

"My boss turned into my boyfriend"