Chapter 7 - Nothing happened between us

Favour Gowin2023/12/31 18:43

Scene sixteen

Two weeks later at the restaurant, Rosetta and the other chefs prepare meals in the kitchen as the Assistant manager walks in with Duke following him behind, every one in the kitchen stopped what ever they were doing as they greeted duke in chorus "Good day sir", Rosetta then forced a smile.

Duke: (frowned) why is everywhere so messy.

Rosetta: (looks around in confusion) messy? How?

Duke: (Chuckled) how would you know, when all you know how to do is mess things up. I was only gone for two weeks and you turned the whole place into a circus.

Rosetta: (frowns) what is your problem with me?

Duke: (walks closer to her with a devilish look on his face) you wanna know my problem with you? (whispers only to her hearing) my problem with you, is that you want to ruin everything in my life and I hate you for that. you even had the audacity to take advantage of my drunkenness, how desperate can you get? you disgust me.

Rosetta: (now fed up she speaks out) you have so much pride, don't you?! for your Information we didn't do anything that night.

Duke wink's repeatedly, giving her sign to keep quiet.

Rosetta: you were a total jerk you know!

(she begins to narrate)

Flash back to the night before the day duke was rushed to the hospital.

In Rosetta's room, Duke immediately pulls Rosetta and Lock's her to the bed as he kisses her instantly, she opens her eyes in shock, but soon she gives in and closes her eyes as her heart melts.

Duke: (moves his face to her neck as he smells it) you smell like bean soup, I'm gonna eat you up. (giggles awkwardly)

Rosetta: (frowns and thinks inwardly) I smell like bean soup!? (hits him hard on the head as he passed out instantly) asshole, no one calls me food and goes scot-free. (hisses)

present day

Rosetta was done narrating what occurred that night as she glared at duke.

Rosetta: so stop putting ideas in your head that we did something that night. (turns to leave as duke grabs her arm)

Duke: (frowns) don't you dare walks out me.

Rosetta: (stares at him) why do you always do that?

Duke: Do what?

Rosetta: This, grabbing me by the arm when ever I'm about to leave. I don't like it, it's pathetic.

Rosetta glares at him as she releases her arm from his grip, she walks away, passing through the exit door as Duke attempts to go after her Helena sights him from the hallway of the restaurant as she calls out his name and runs straight to him, giving him a tight hug.

Helena: (stares at him with a smile while her arms are around his waist) my love. I went over to the mansion and I was told that you came to work.

Duke: I was bored at home, so I decided to come to work and read some newspapers in my office.

Helena: (raised and eye brow) it doesn't seem like you were in your office reading newspapers.

Duke: I just came out now to see my staffs.

Helena: babe, (puts on a concerned look) you know your health status, you aren't meant to inhale smoke or dust or....

Duke instantly placed his index finger on her lip, making her shut up.

Duke: (places his palms on her shoulders) I'm fine, okey. (smirks) let's go to the office.

They both held hands while heading to dukes office.

.... lights out ....

scene seventeen

In duke's office, Duke is seated on the office couch reading a newspaper while Helena sits next to him. minutes passed as Helena began

to mumble.

Duke: (puts down the newspaper and stares at Helena) what the problem?

Helena: (pouts) babe don't you think you should get some time off work so we can plan our wedding.

Duke: but babe we just got engaged two months ago!

Helena: babe two months is a long time, we are meant to be married by now.

Duke: (smirks and places his palm on her cheek as their eyes met) babe, when the time is right we will surely get married, okey.

Helena: (pouts sadly, bringing down Duke's hand) when would the right time come? when? (places her palms on his cheeks) I want you, I want you all to my self, I want to wake up in the morning with you by my side. every single day I crave for your kisses, your hugs, your touch and every single night, I crave for you.

Duke: I crave for you too babe.

Helena: (smiles) then let's get married.

Duke: Helena, not everything is about marriage.

Helena frowns and stands up angrily, folding her arms together as duke stands up behind her and places his palms on her arms as he kisses her neck softly.

Duke: (whispers into her ear) you know i love you right?

Helena: (pouts, still folding her arms) I don't think so.

Duke: I do. (turns her around to face him as he exhales) I, Roderigo Duke, I love you Anderson Helena.

Helena: (smiles) I love you too.

They both hug tightly.

Scene Eighteen

At sunset Helena walks out of the restaurant with a disappointed look as she makes a phone call to Belinda, her best friend.

Helena: (speaks on the phone with a low tone) hello (exhales) it didn't work, duke is such a hard head, I thought telling the doctor to lie about his health would work, but it seems duke doesn't care.

Belinda: then we should poison him with something that would make him crippled.

Helena: (whispers in shock) poison! I don't what him to die!

Belinda: No one is dieing, it will just make him crippled temporarily. being crippled will make him think no one will be willing to be with him that's when he will realize that you are the only one that truly love's him and in no time you both will get married then he will get back to normal in no time.

Helena: (smirks) that's a great plan I'm in. if I don't get duke, no one else will. but how did you come up with this great plan so quickly, it just feels like you were waiting for my call. (giggles)

Belinda: (chuckles) In every plot there must be a plan B, don't you agree with me?

Helena: You are right on that (smiles)

mean while Rosetta hid at a corner and overheard Helena's conversation, though she could only hear Helena voice, but she understood everything, the poisoning part stuck in her memory like gum.

Rosetta: (thinks in dismal) what kind of a fiancee is she? I know duke is an annoying asshole and he deserves everything bad but not death. I need to warn him!

Rosetta quietly dashed back into the restaurant through the kitchen door, in search of duke as she heads for the elevator.

Approaching duke office Rosetta is obstructed by to hefty men, which were obviously dukes bodyguards.

Rosetta: (thinks inwardly) why are these men stopping me from entering inside? (smiles) hey, please can I go in? I want to see mister duke.

Bodyguard 1: (speaks with a deep voice) The boss is taking a nap he doesn't want to see any one him.

Rosetta: (looks through the transparent wall as she sees Duke reading his cook book) he isn't actually taking a nap. (exhales) just tell him I have something really important to tell him.

Bodyguard : little lady just go away, we won't let you in, period.

Rosetta: (now upset as she holds her waist) little lady huh? I will show you what this little lady can do.

Rosetta moved backwards and glared at them for a second as she began to run quickly towards them, hoping to run past them and push the transparent door open, but to her dismal she was caught immediately and carried like a doll by the second guard.

Rosetta: (struggles to be released) let me down right now, I command you.

The two men giggle uncontrollably as they tossed Rosetta, one to another like a base ball.

Rosetta: (now accepts that she can not defeat them as she puts on a sad look) please let me go i won't try to go in again. (as the men let her go she adjusts her dress and frowns, giving them a cold glare) I wish the way you protected him from me today would be the same when his fiancee strikes. I have tried my best, I would leave the rest to God. (exit's)

........lights out........