Chapter 8 - A psycho!
Scene Nineteen
Duke is seated in his office doing some paper work as Helena walks in holding a bottle of champagne and two tumbler.
Helena: (pouts) hey handsome.
Duke: hey beautiful (puts down the documents he was going through earlier) how was your night?
Helena sits on Duke's lap still holding the tumblers and bottle of champagne.
Helena: it was great. I came to have a glass or more of this expensive champagne with you, cause I was so bored at the spa.
Duke: (smirks while staring at the champagne) It's really an expensive one. but I will pass on this one, I don't feel like drinking right now.
Helena: (pouts) babe please, I went through a lot, just to make this happen. don't say no.
Duke: alright, what ever you say. let's move to the couch then.
Helena smiles happily, as they moved to the couch she immediately kept the champagne and tumblers on the table in front, then she opened the bottle and poured some champagne into duke tumbler and handed it over to him.
Helena: (joins her palms together and raised it slightly to her face as she stares at duke anxiously with a smile) drink up and tell me if it tastes good.
Duke lifts the glass of champagne up to his mouth and closes his eyes as Helena stares at him nervously. He then attempted to drink it but later kept it back on the table.
Helena: (stares at him with concern) what happened.
Duke: (smiles) babe, I think you should take the first sip then tell me if it tastes good.
Helena: (fidgets and begins to stutter) but.. but.. I... I bought it for you.
Duke: (smiles) I know, but i want you to taste it for me. ladies first.
Helena: (gulps down her saliva and picks up the drink) babe. (hesitates while staring at duke)
Duke: (stares at her with cold eyes) Drink it.
Helena unwillingly closed her eyes and raised the glass up to her mouth as she attempts to drink it, but immediately puts it back on the table.
Helena: (fidgets) duke I can't drink it .
Duke: why? (frowns) cause you poisoned it right?
Helena goes down on her knees and holds Duke's leg.
Helena: Duke it isn't poison, I swear, it was just gonna make you crippled temporarily, so you can marry me sooner, that's all. I swear I won't hurt you intentionally, believe me. please forgive me.
Duke: (furiously stands up) so she was right.
Helena: (confused) who?
Duke: (smiles slightly) Rosetta.
Flash back to the previous day
As Rosetta left the sight of Duke's bodyguards she didn't have rest of mind all she could think of was Duke.
Rosetta: (thinks) I can't Just give up on Duke so easily, i have to get in there somehow. (instantly she came up with an Idea)
some hours later Rosetta stands outside the restaurant holding a ladder, she needed something to climb on and luckily for her there was a construction sight very close, which was where she got the ladder.
Rosetta: (thinks inwardly) Duke you should be forever grateful to me for what am about to do now.
she then placed the ladder to the wall as she began to climb on it. after much climbing she soon reached Duke's office window, as she pulled it open and jumped in, the office was quite dark and dismayingly to her surprise, she didn't see Duke.
Rosetta: (exhales in disappointment) all that stress for nothing.
As she turns to leave as the office light was instantly switched on then she heard a familiar masculine voice from behind her, she turned around and saw duke.
Duke: what are you doing here, why did you jump in, through the window.
Rosetta: I will go straight to the point. your girlfriend is planning on poisoning you.
Duke: (glares at her in disbelief as he speaks with an angry tone) how can you say such a thing about my fiancee, don't you have any respect?
Rosetta: Listen to me Duke, I am telling you the truth, Believe me. earlier today I overhead her discussing on the phone and she said something about poisoning you. she also mentioned something about telling a doctor to lie about your illness. I don't know exactly what she meant by that, just be careful.
Duke: (frowns) I won't stand here and watch you blab nonsense about my fiancee, just because you hate me. get out of here with your lies.
Rosetta: (sad) I'm trying to save your life and you say I'm blabbing, why do you always see me as the villain, when all I'm trying to do is protect you.
Duke: keep your protection to your, you need it more.
Rosetta: (exhales) alright then do what ever you want, I'm out (turns to leave)
Duke: yeah, get lost!
Present day
Duke is at a standstill, lost in thoughts.
Duke: (whispers) she has been looking out for me all this while and all I did was hurt her, I'm such a dick. (looks at Helena) tell me, you bribed that doctor to say I am asthmatic, right?
Helena: (in shock) how did...( hesitates) who told you that?
Duke: (frowns) you don't deserve to know. (chuckles) so all this while I have been dieing, thinking I was sick and wondering how it was possible, not knowing that all this was just to make me get married to you. (exhales) you disgust me. you are such a psycho.
Helena: (stands up with a frown) you call me a psycho! Duke you cursed this, we dated for three good years, then after much yelling and crying from me, you decided to propose just few months ago, till today we aren't married yet and you stand there foolishly and call me a psychopath (sigh's as she walks closer to duke) Duke I'm a woman, I need to have kids before the age of menopause but you wouldn't understand, the truth is you are the true psychopath, how could you keep a lady waiting for so long? you are mentally disabled. you deserve nothing good in life.
Duke: (takes his phone from his pocket) you can come in now.
Minutes later two police men walked into Duke's office and went straight to Helena as they handcuffed her hands behind her.
Helena: (struggles) what is it, what did I do wrong? remove that disgusting thing from my hands. do you know who my dad is?
policeman 1: control yourself miss(holds her firmly on one arm while the second police man held her other arm) you have the right to remain silent. any thing you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you, Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?
Helena: (struggles and cries out) Duke, duke don't let them take me away. (glares at the police men and shouts) let me go! (stares at Duke devilishly) Duke my dad is gonna make you pay for this and tell your father to forget about my dad's promise to collaborate with his insurance company, cause it's over.
Helena is soon dragged out of the office, as Duke exhales in relief, he sit's down and rest's his head on the couch as places his palm on the forehead while closing his eyes.
..... lights out .....