Chapter 6 - I'm his wife

Favour Gowin2023/12/31 18:43

Scene Fourteen

Raining heavily out side, helena walks into the private recovery room where Duke lies slightly conscious on the bed with madam Bridget sited beside him, while Dr. Roderigo stands mute next to him.

Helena: (puts on a sad expression) oh my gosh!! (she dashed to duke and placed her hands on his check as she slightly pushed madam Bridget, resting on her a little)

Madam Bridget becomes uncomfortable and stands up, giving helena room to sit beside duke.

Helena: baby why do you want to hurt your self intensionally like this?

Duke: (speaks in a week tone) what are you talking about?

Helena: I spoke to the doctor before coming in here and he told me everything.

Dr. Roderigo: (in curiosity) what did he tell you that he didn't tell me before leaving the room?

The doctor instantly walks into the room.

Doctor: (smiles) hope you all are okey?

Dr. Roderigo: (stares at the doctor with a puzzled expression) Doctor what are you not telling us? is my son in a critical condition as we speak.

Doctor: (smiles, chuckling a little) not at all sir, (he stares at Helena for a second and shift's his gaze back to Dr. Roderigo) the only problem is that your son won't be able to go close or experience any form of hotness or heat what so ever, either from the sun or fire.

Duke frowns in shock

Dr. Roderigo: (lifts up an eyebrow, in shock) wait. are you saying...

Doctor: (nod's) yes that's what I'm saying. I'm not fished yet. also he shouldn't inhale smoke or any intoxicating smell what so ever.

Dr. Roderigo: (frowns a little) doctor, if I understand correctly, those are symptoms of asthma.

Doctor: (paused for a moment) yes, your son has asthma.

Duke: what!!! I'm asthmatic? How?

Duke in shock, attempts to sit upright as Helena holds him down.

Helena: My love you are not in a good condition right now, don't stress your self. you know what!? you shouldn't go to work for a month, so you can get some rest. we can even plan our wedding in the process.

Duke: (frowns) No way I don't want that.

Doctor: I will take my leave now (exit's the room)

Dr. Roderigo: (exhales) Duke you can go to work, but you are not allowed to enter the kitchen.

Duke: (angry) Am I a child? dad I'm a grown man and I don't need any one to make decisions for me, it's my life for God sake.

Dr. Roderigo: (snaps in anger) it's your life, yes. but you are my son, my only son and child, and I won't sit back and watch you waste away your life, like it's a piece of cheese.

Duke: (in a sober mode) I want to be left alone.

Dr. Roderigo: Do what ever you please, I'm out. (storms out the room in anger)

Madam Bridget: (stares at him for moment and pats his shoulder twice as she smiles warmly) have some rest okey. (she then leaves the room)

Helena stares at him with a smile and attempts to kiss him.

Duke: (looks the other way) you should leave as well.

Helena: but...

Duke: don't make shout.

Helena: (forced a smile) okey, rest well. (she stood up and kissed him on the check as she exited the room)

Duke then lies sideways on the bed as tears unknowingly flows from his eyes.

Duke: (thinks inwardly) I won't let them take what I worked hard for, over my dead body will that happen.

.. lights out ..

Scene fifteen

On the road, Dodging the rain, Rosetta seats at a bus shelter, a street away from the hospital.

Rosetta: (in a daze thinks inwardly) I hope Duke is okey. I just wish I could just see him. (snaps out of her thought) Rosetta what is wrong with you? why are you being so caring? (slaps her self lightly on both checks repeatedly and soon stopped as she thinks inwardly) Rosetta, Duke has a bad character and he hates you, why are you caring about him? (exhales) but my heart melts every single time he is away from me, and I cant bare the fact of not seeing if he is alright. (stands up and speaks out) I'm going to see him, weather or not his fiancee permits it.

she instantly dashed into the rain and began to run towards the hospital.

Now at the hospital, Rosetta currently drenched all over her body, walks up to the reception desk.

Rosetta: (smiles) hey. I'm here to see Roderigo Duke.

Receptionist: (smiles and scans the register booklet with her eyes) yes there is a patient here by that name, he was brought in around 11pm.

Rosetta: that's right.

Receptionist: please if I may ask, who are you to him? because the lady that left earlier before you came, said I shouldn't let any one into his room except her and his father.

Rosetta: (thinks for a moment) I'm.... (hesitates) I'm his wife.

Receptionist: (confused) wife?

Rosetta: (widens her eyes thinking of what to say) I'm pregnant for him.

Receptionist: (surprised) really!! you're pregnant? and you got into the rain in your condition!

Rosetta: (placed her hand on her forehead in a dramatic way as she exhales) I really wanted to see him earlier but his sister didn't let me, because she doesn't like me (pretends to cry) I really love duke, but he wants me to abort my pregnancy. (cries even more, loudly) I know he loves me, and he cares for me, But most times he behaves as if he doesn't.

Receptionist: (stares at her in pity) I'm so sorry about that. I feel your pain. you know what. I will help you.

Rosetta: (smiles) really!!

Receptionist: You can go in to see him, but please don't take too long. five minute, tops.

Rosetta: thank you so much I'm grateful. (places her hand on her belly) I and my baby are extremely grateful.

Receptionist: (smiles) It's all right. please next time don't get into the rain, okay, so you don't hurt yourself and the baby.

Rosetta: I will keep that in mind. (she proceeded to Duke's ward)

Receptionist: (shakes her head and thinks inwardly) that lady really loves that man and she seems nice, why is his sister so wicked towards her, his sister must really be a witch that wants to put asunder between two love birds. hmmm she might even be the one poisoning the man's mind against this good lady, I pray she doesn't succeed in breaking their relationship. (rubs her palms together and exhales) Lord, please as I have helped someone in need, let someone also help me when I'm in need.

At Duke's private room, Rosetta creeped in and closed the door silently, as she tiptoed to where Duke was lying. Rosetta stood mute next to duke as she stared at him with a sad look on her face.

Rosetta: (stares at him with sad eyes) I know you are a jerk and God knows how much I hate you, but seeing you like this makes me sad and I'm sorry, I can imagine what you are passing through right now. (exhales)

Duke instantly opened his eyes, making her startled.

Duke: (frowns and glares at her) what are you doing here? get out (he sits upright and grabs an apple from the bowl of fruits kept on the table next to him. He stared at the apple for a moment before eating it)

Rosetta: (glares at him) what ever, see you at the restaurant when you recover.

she attempts to leave as duke stood up at once and grabbed her, nailing her to the wall as her breath becomes irregular.

Duke: (clenching her arms as he stares at her with dismal) what are you going to the restaurant to do? I thought I may it clear the last time, when I said you should leave.

Rosetta: (tries her best not to look into his eyes) your father said I should take control of the restaurant till you recover.

In anger duke tighten's his grip on her arms

Rosetta: (frowns delicately and let's out a sigh of discomfort, while trying to free her self from his grip) duke you are hurting me.

Duke: (stares at her for a second with warm eyes) why are you wet? you might get sick.

Rosetta: (dazed with surprise) me?!

Duke: I really hope you get sick with pneumonia and die with it. (he lets go of her) get out, now.

Rosetta sadly dashed out the door as duke stared blankly into the distance where she disappeared.

..... lights out .....