Chapter 5 - Spending a night together

Favour Gowin2023/12/31 18:43

Scene eleven

It's eleven o'clock, closing hours, all the workers have gone to their various apartments, leaving only Rosetta in the kitchen. Rosetta was about to leave the kitchen as duke obstruct's her at the front door.

Duke: (staggers slightly in front of Rosetta as he smiles) hey.

Rosetta: (stares at him in disbelief) are you drunk?!

Duke: (playfully brings his hand close to his face and slightly pinches his thumb and index finger together, closing one of his eyes) just a little bit tipsy. (about to fall as Rosetta immediately holds his hand)

Rosetta: you are definitely drunk.

Duke: (closes his eyes a little and pouts)no I'm not (holds out two fingers, slightly close to Rosetta's face) I only took two bottles of beer, and that was all. (he brings down his hand and pouts again)

Rosetta: I see!! come on, give me your phone let me call your driver.

(Duke lean's closer to Rosetta as her heart began to beat fast)

Duke: (drunkenly taps her nose with his index finger) No I won't give you my phone.

Rosetta: (glares at him) alright then, don't.

(she let's go of Duke's hand, and attempts to leave as he pulls her by her hand, nailing her to the wall. Duke support's him self with one hand on the wall as he leans closer to her. Rosetta's breath becomes irregular, as she closes her eyes duke leans even more closer. their faces were quite close enough as Duke instantly passed out on her shoulder)

Rosetta: (disappointedly glares at him) asshole!!!! (thinks inwardly) Thank goodness he didn't kiss me, I would have lost my dear sleep just by brushing my teeth. (exhales and thinks inwardly) what should I do with him now? I can't take him to my room, I can imagine the look on his face if he wakes up tomorrow morning in my room. well I have no other choice, I will just keep him on the bed and stay on the couch.

In Rosetta's room

Rosetta puts on the room light and struggles to pull duke Into her room, as she finally pushed him to the bed, she exhales loudly.

Rosetta: (exhausted, she places her hands on her waist as she breathes fast) this guy is really weighty.

(she pulls off his shoes and and unbuckles his shirt's button as she sees his perfectly shaped abs, she immediately turns to go to the couch, as he unconsciously holds her hand, her heart begins to beat fast)

Duke: don't go. (he immediately pulls her and Lock's her to the bed as he kisses her instantly, she opens her eyes in shock, but soon she gives in and closes her eyes as her heart melts)

......... lights out .........

Scene twelve

In the morning the reflection of the sun shines on dukes face as he opens his eyes slightly.

Duke: (placed his hand on his head and moans in pain) gosh my head!! (he sees Rosetta lying half naked on the bed with her head on his shoulder as he widens his eyes) what the f***.

(Rosetta immediately wake's up and instantly covers her body with the blanket and sits upright)

Duke: (furiously sits upright) what did you do to me last night?!

Rosetta: (mumbles) emmm, emmm. you pulled me close last night, and emmm, i emmm. (her breath becomes irregular)

Duke: (frowns) I don't want to hear anything, I'm engaged, I have a freaking fiancee.

Rosetta: (stares at him in confusion) why are you speaking as if it not your fault?!

Duke: you made me cheat on my girl friend.

Rosetta: (glares at him) we did....

Duke: (cuts in and speaks out angrily) shut up. I don't want to see you ever again, just pack your stuff and get the fuck out of this premises immediately. today is Sunday, there will be no customers. and the staffs wont be working today, so there is no need to be bothered about people seeing you.

(he stands up, puts on his shirt's and leaves the room)

Rosetta: (blinks her eyes and exhales loudly as tears drops on her cheek) f***. I'm finished.

minutes later

Rosetta takes her bath puts on skirt and top, and arranges her clothes in her suitcase, as she drags it out the room, she decide's to take a look at the kitchen for one last time.

Now standing at the kitchen's door, tears rolls down her cheeks as she opens the door and walks in.

Rosetta: (places her hand on the wall, about to cry as she holds back her tears) I will miss you so much dear restaurant. (exhales and turns to leave a she smells something burning, she turns back immediately and walks to the where the multiple burner electric cooker is placed, as she sees Duke on the ground and a burning pan of potatoes)

Rosetta: Jesus Christ!!! (she immediately puts off the electric cooker and squats down to wake Duke). wake up sir, wake up. (she shivers in fear and sits on the ground, she places Duke's head on her lap and begins to call out for help while taping duke to wake up) help!!!!! help!!!!

.......... lights out .........

Scene thirteen

Arriving at the hospital, the doctors immediately rushed Duke to the emergency room, Rosetta attempted to follow them in, as she is restricted by the nurses from entering, she waits at the lobby, mean while, Wind blows heavily outside as rain began to drizzle.

Few minutes later, Dr. Roderigo, Madam Bridget and Duke's fiancee, Helena worriedly dashed into the lobby as Dr. Roderigo approaches Rosetta, he kisses her formally on her cheek.

Dr. Roderigo: (worried) what happened?

Rosetta: I don't know, I was about to go back home, so I decided to go into the kitchen and I saw him laying on the floor next to a burning pan.

Dr. Roderigo: (disappointed) I warned this boy to stay away from the kitchen but he didn't listen to me. (exhales and thinks for a second) Wait a minute did I just hear you say you were going back home! what happened? are your family okey?

Rosetta: (fidgets) sir they are fine. something accord between i and Duke. (hesitates for a minute and sighs) it's a long story.

Dr. Roderigo: (places his hands on her shoulder) Miss Rosetta, no matter what happens nobody has the right to send you out of the restaurant, okay. because I put you there for a reason. (exhales and puts on a sad look) I know duke loves the restaurant that's why he's so overprotective of it, please help him grow and protect the restaurants, I'm counting on you.

Rosetta: (nods in confirmation) alright sir.

(soon after, the doctor walks out of the emergency room and heads straight to the lobby)

Doctor: (walks towards Rosetta, looking worried) who are the family members of Mr. Duke?

Dr. Roderigo, Madam Bridget and Helena: (in chorus) we are!!

Helena: (Immediately dashed to the doctor, pushing Rosetta aside, as she smiles) I'm his fiancee.

Dr. Roderigo: (worried) doctor, how is he doing now? is he okey? please can we see him now?

Doctor: (nods) he is alright, and yes you can see him now, he is in the PACU. (they all stare at him which puzzled expressions) the post-anesthesia care unit.

Helena: (confused) what does that mean.

Doctor: (smiles) The recovery room, a private one at that. I personally made sure they sent him to a first class room, knowing his status, i wouldn't just put him in a regular room, if you get what I mean.

Helena: (now understands as she nods) ooh, I see.

Dr. Roderigo: (Now with a settled mind, he smiles) hmmm, a first class room, that's good, duke doesn't like to be disturbed. please lead the way.

(The doctor nod's and and turns, leading the way to the recovery room as Dr. Roderigo and madam Bridget follow him behind, Rosetta attempts to follow them as Helena immediately obstructs her)

Helena: (glares at Rosetta devilishly) where do you think you are going, last I checked you are not part of the family, or are you?

Rosetta: (frowns) But I'm... I'm. (puts on a sad look as she lowers her head, facing the floor) I'm just a chef at the restaurant.

Helena: (smirks and folds her arms) it's good you know your place. by the way thanks for bringing my fiancee, your boss to the hospital. now off you go.

Rosetta: (faces her as their eyes met, she forced a smile) alright.

Rosetta turns as she walks towards the exit.

Helena: (glares blankly into the distance where Rosetta disappears out through the exit door as she hisses) rubbish. (she turns and heads to the recovery room)

........Lights out........