Chapter 4 - Finding a way to kick her out

Favour Gowin2023/12/31 18:43

Scene Nine

In the kitchen, Duke stands mute gazing at Rosetta with a frown while steering a pot of stew as a server walked in and headed straight to Rosetta.

server: (smiles) chef Rosetta, the costumer at table two was pleased with the plate of salmon you prepared, he would like to ..... (gets carried away as a handsome man in his late 30's walks in) oh here he is, the customers at table two, Mr. Greg Lawson, (whispers) he owns the richest oiling company in this country.

Greg Lawson: (elegantly walks up to Rosetta and the server as he gently flipped his suit to the back) hey, you are the executive chef, Rosetta right?

Rosetta: (smiles shyly) yes, I am.

Greg Lawson: (holds her hand ) it's a pleasure to meet you (he formally kisses her back hand and smiles as she blushes) i love the salmon you prepared it was like heaven.

Rosetta: (blushes with a smile) please don't flatter me.

Greg Lawson: the truth is, I love you (Rosetta widens her eyes in shock as the server smirked and excused her self) sorry I meant I love your cooking. (they both began to laugh)

Rosetta: I understand, the tongue slips alot, it happens to me too.

Greg Lawson: so do you have off days? so we could meet and ..... (duke who is currently standing next to them, interrupts.)

Duke: (frowns) she doesn't have off days mister man.

Greg Lawson: I wasn't talking to you, I am discussing with the young lady here, now if you would excuse us, I would be greatfull.

Duke: can you politely leave this kitchen? or would you like it the rough way. hope you won't get upset if I drag you out.

Now everyone's gaze are fixed on them. Rosetta stands mute like a small ant, staring at the two tall men, who are exchanging evil gazes at each other

Greg Lawson: (frowns) I would love to watch you try. (the atmosphere becomes intensed)

Duke: be my guest, coconut head.

Greg Lawson: (grabs Duke by his shirt's collar) don't call me that, you prick.

everyone's mouth drops open, in shock as Rosetta fidgets

Duke: (places his hand on Greg's pants) take your bloody hands off my shirt or I would pull off your pants. (Greg begins to laugh out loud as duke followed suit. they both hugged tightly)

Greg Lawson: oh brother you haven't changed abit (laughs as they untangle their selves)

Duke: (looks around and notices everyone staring) you all can get back to work now, there's no cause for alarm.

(everyone then faces their business)

Rosetta: (stares at them in confusion) so you both are brothers?

Greg Lawson: (puts his arm over Duke's shoulders) we are friends but we call our selves brothers (smiles).

Duke: (glares at Rosetta and speaks rudely) didn't you hear what I said earlier? get back to work.

Greg Lawson: (chuckles) dude calm down, we are still having a conversation.

Rosetta: it's okey, I will just go back to work now. (forced a smile and walks away)

Greg Lawson: (looks at duke) dude that was really rude. you don't speak to a woman that way.

Duke: does she even look like a woman, just take a good look at her, she looks like a shrimp.

Greg Lawson: (hits duke on his shoulder) that's harsh bro.

Duke: what ever, let's get out of here and have some drinks. it's really been a long time.

Greg Lawson: (laughs) you are right, we really have some catching up to do. (they both talk while walking out of the kitchen)

.........lights out.........

Scene ten

Duke and Greg are seated at a table in the restaurant, with two bottles of beer to keep them entertained.

Greg Lawson: how long has it been? ten years!?

duke: (chuckles) it hasn't been too long bro.

Greg Lawson: dude look at you, you are all grown up and you have made a good name for yourself. I'm proud you bro. (stretches forth his hand to give duke a friendly hand shake)

Duke: (shakes him with a smile) thanks bro.

Greg Lawson: (let's go of Duke's hand and sip's his beer) so, how is Helena doing.

Duke: she's good.

Greg Lawson: are you both still together?!

Duke. (chuckles) yeah, why do you ask?

Greg Lawson: Nothing. I just thought you both were done, judging from the way your reply was (mimics duke) "she's good"

Duke: what is wrong with my reply.

Greg Lawson: it was too formal and simple.

Duke: (laughs) you are so ridiculous.

Greg Lawson: so how is your dad and hope is doing well? (Duke puts on a long face as Greg looks at him in curiosity) what's the matter?

Duke: Dad is really being a pain in the neck.

Great Lawson: (confused) what happened?

Duke: (exhales loudly) Dad wants me to step down from the position of being an executive chef.

Greg Lawson: (surprised) What! why?

Duke: (annoyed) He wants to give the position to that new girl. he says I should be in the office handling money and documents and leave cooking to women, who says such a thing these days?!

Greg Lawson: (pat's Duke on the shoulder) I feel your pain bro, I know how much you love the kitchen, and I know you don't want any thing to happen to it, but that new lady seems nice, I don't think she means any harm. besides, she really knows how to cook, maybe she might even help to grow this restaurant, if you get my point?!.

Duke: (gets angry) I don't care if she means any harm or not, All I care is that I don't want anybody to take over my kitchen, It's my kitchen, and no one else's. I just want her to go away, far away, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and make her disappear s**, I just don't want her to be here, I don't like her. (stamps his foot on the ground repeatedly) s* s* f* s* f**.......

Greg Lawson: dude it's okay, okay!! (exhale loudly) since you don't want her to be here, then you need a plan to chase her away and I can help you with that.

Duke (smirk's) now you're talking, what's the plan?

(Greg lean's closer to duke, whispers into his ear and smirks as he looks at dukes expression)

Duke: (frowns in disgust) eek!! that's so disgusting, how can seducing her make her feel uncomfortable and leave. I can't even stoop so low to even seduce her, she isn't my type, You know that.

Greg Lawson: dude that girl is cute, how can't she be your type??!! she is hot and sexy and her lips are kissable, gosh! you are unbelievable.

Duke: oh please!! bro come up with another plan, cuz this plan is disgusting and I can't do it. it will make her think she's special, and seriously I don't want her thinking that.

Greg Lawson: (exhales loudly) okay then, lean closer I have another plan.

Duke leans closure as Greg whispers into his ear.

......... light's out .........