Chapter 3 - Unpleasantly pleasant
Scene Six
Duke is sited in his office reading a cook book, his mother gifted him on his eight years old birthday. suddenly Rosetta walks in holding a tray with food on it.
Duke: (quickly raised his eyes as he sees her) who gave you the right to come in here. (glares at her with a frown)
Rosetta: (coming closer to him with a smile, avoiding to look into his eyes) your guards at the door, let me in.(already standing next to him as she puts down the tray on the table, in front of him) I got you, your favorite to make you happy. (smiles as she opens the covered bowl of soup) tah-da!.... you're favourite bean soup.
Duke: (stares at the bowl of bean soup with a slight smile on his face as memories of his mother flashed back, he muttered a word) mum (a tear dropped on his cheek)
Rosetta: (smiles while thinking inwardly) O my gosh! is he crying? I didn't know this would get to him. it seems he really loves his mom.(picks up the spoon placed on the tray and stretches forth her hand to give him) here you go, eat up.
Duke: (raised his head slightly and glares at her with a frown) what makes you think you can come here all of a sudden and play nice with me. step back now.
Rosetta: (puts down the spoon and steps backwards) I'm sorry (thinks inwardly) what's with this guy, why is he so wicked and bitter?
Duke: who told you to prepare this for me?
Rosetta: (hesitates) no one sir.
Duke: (clears his throat and relaxes his back on the chair) why are you trying to be nice to me? (chuckles) are you trying to make me like you? (frowns even more) that would never happen, so I would advice you to stay the hell away from me. got that?
Rosetta: (fidgets) yes sir.
Duke: get out.
Rosetta: okey (turns immediately and dashed out the office).
Duke: (stares at the bowl of bean soup) I bet she didn't even prepare it well (picks up the spoon and drinks a spoon full of the soup. his eyes widens) it isn't even sweet. (he drinks another spoon of soup and raised an eye brow) hmm, it doesn't taste that bad, it reminds me of mom. (smiles and carries the bowl on his hand as he begins to drink the soup while humming and moving his head side to side like a child)
.......... light out .........
Scene seven
In the busy kitchen Rosetta prepares 'coq au vín' a french delicacy, as a male server holding an empty try comes into the kitchen and walks up to her.
server: chef. the costumer at table thirteen requested to see you.
Rosetta: (surprised) me?!
server: yes
Rosetta: alright then, let me finish with this, I will be right out.
server: alright. (exits)
Scene eight
Rosetta walks up to table thirteen and smiles
Rosetta: good day sir. how can I be of service to you? (the customer who is currently sited backing her, turns to face her as her eyes widens) Mr. duke?!
Duke: (smirks) what?
Rosetta: (face's the ground) nothing sir.
Duke: you were the one who prepared this macaroon right? (he pointed at the meal on the table before him)
Rosetta: yes sir.
Duke: (speaks out loud) if you are to discuss on this delicacy what terms would you use for it?
Rosetta: (in a daze) but.... (hesitates) sir this is not a topic or subject, it's a meal.
Duke: (nods) I know. (adjusts his suit and speaks out loud for customers to hear) it seems you didn't understand, maybe you didn't complete your education. let me humbly bring myself down to your level. (clears his throat) tell me what this food is made of.
Rosetta: (stares at him with a slight frown and thinks inwardly) how does this relate to what he asked before? who does he even think he is, to ask me such questions, and how dare he call me an illiterate? (raised and eye brow and speaks out in confidence) this delicacy is made with small cookies composed chiefly of egg whites, sugar and ground al-monds. you can either use ground al-monds or coconuts which ever you prefer.
Duke: (gazes at her with a stunned look and later fold's his arms and glares at her) I am not impressed, any one can recite that even when at sleep. you can't even pronounce almonds properly, are you sure you went to school?! (shakes his head).
Rosetta: (slightly hits the table as she places her palms on it) sir with all due respect. I am a proud graduate, from oxford university of Pennsylvania. you don't have the right to speak ill of people how ever you like, so stop your criticism (grits) I don't like it. (lifts an eyebrow) do have a great day. (turns to leave as duke stands up and grabs her by the arm)
(now the customers gazes are fully fixed on them both)
Duke: you are really rude you know. is this how you will treat customers if you were to be made the executive chef?
Rosetta: (looks at him in confidence) I am, the executive chef, and I wasn't being rude, I was only telling you the truth. (smiles) and If you see telling the truth as being rude then you need to go to the hospital and get help. (smirks) now let go of me, you are causing a scene. (she releases herself from his tight grip and walks away)
(The customers gazes remains fixed on Duke)
Duke: (frowns and thinks inwardly) how dare she speak to me in such manner. she even had the gots to walk out on me. (looks around) now this customers are staring at me, like aliens. (walks out of the restaurant as customers begin to whisper to them selves)
........... lights out ...........