Ajantha chakravarthy
my name is shanni present i am in andaman and nicobar island bigest prison there is no way to escape in the in this prison in case you can escape it fully cover by the ocean in this prison 443 crimnal there incude me also bajja is main head of in this jail here differnt kinds peoples are there ,diffrent mind set playing diffrent games time is passing 14 march 2009 one new criminal come to my jail he is 6 feet height 80 kgs weight long hair thick bread but his body fully injurites getting blood in forehead and his and also getting bleeding the jailer give a spreate room one day i see register file his name mahaan the ruler i was suprise why they are write a ruler after two months mahaan come outsidse the room he asked me what was today date 15 may 2009 'i will obseved his back side his sholder chakravarthi symbol its look like a round shape midde two stars intract each other i will getting the anxtiey behind story .. today date is 12 dec 2009 today differnt kinds of new papers to come