The Perfect Crime

Chapter 4 - Mr. Vinay Collapses (Scene 3)

Mr. Batra2022/01/18 21:22

The curtains open to Mr. Vinay and Mrs. Kalyani’s bedroom, which looks opulent and sensual. It has a big portrait of their wedding and has an electric guitar kept next to the bed which Mr. Vinay likes to play in his free time. He looks extremely happy.

Mrs. Kalyani: Ooooh, did you hire a new secretary?

Mr. Vinay (bewildered): What?

Mrs. Kalyani (laughing): Well, I haven’t seen that big of a smile on your face since the time I accepted your proposal. Which is why I thought that you must’ve recruited a new gorgeous secretary.

Mr. Vinay (bemused and in a sarcastic tone): Haha, very funny. Anyway, it's a long story, but I am too tired right now. Also, there is no recruit.

Mrs. Kalyani: Very well, narrate it to me tomorrow. Right now, I have better things planned for the night. First, have this sharbat.

Mr. Vinay (in an unusually heavy voice): I would like to propose a toast...To family!

(They touch glasses and drink)

(Just after having finished the drink, Mr. Vinay begins to cough)

Mr. Vinay (gasping): I…I am unable to breathe!

Mrs. Kalyani (in amusement): You can’t get breathless this soon, that was planned for the latter part of the night when we are both exhausted!

(Mr. Vinay seems to struggle for breath, and every passing second, we see her become more worried. In a few moments, Mr. Vinay loses consciousness completely)

Mrs. Kalyani (screaming): Helpppppppp…Ram Dayal…helpppppp!

(Ram Dayal runs onstage)

Ram Dayal (in a worried tone): Ma’am I heard your scream!

Mrs. Kalyani (pointing towards the seemingly lifeless body of her husband): We were talking normally, and then, and then...and then he collapsed.

(she bursts into tears)

Ram Dayal (with a shaking voice): Don’t worry Kalyani ma’am. I won’t let anything happen to Vinay sir.

(He drops down to check Mr. Vinay’s pulse. It is faint but it is there)

Ram Dayal (taking a phone out of his pocket and dialing 102): My master lost his breath and is lying unconscious. We need an ambulance here at House Number 1234, Modern Housing Complex, Sector 13, Chandigarh.

                                                                                                        (Curtains fall)