Chapter 5 - Informing Mr. Balbir About The Incident (Scene 4)
The curtains open to Mr. Balbir's drawing-room. It is 10 o'clock. He can be seen sipping tea while engrossed in deep thought, perhaps trying to get inspiration for a novel. The vibration of his phone brings him back to reality.
Mr. Balbir: Hello, Balbir speaking. Who is this?
Ram Dayal (whose terrified voice is coming from backstage, but the audience is made to feel like he is on the phone): Hello, Balbir sir! Sir Ram Dayal here. Sir Vinay sir stopped breathing and fell unconscious. We have gotten him admitted to PGI. Please come here to the ICU ward as soon as possible.
(The words hit Mr. Balbir like a ton of bricks, but he being a stoic manages to control his emotions and runs towards the exit with his car keys)
(Curtains fall)