
I am a struggling artist who is apiring for greatness.Yet deep down, i know i dont have necessary tool. Hoplessness is norm for me yet, i tend to cling on that gradually fading string of fate. As for my degree, well not much to be there.Just that i have earned a bachelorette methaporically and literally. I am one of billions yet, i think of myself as an special , take it as you may. I have reason beinv here, although i dont know what that is,(gulp). I once took a needel and poked in an ass ,an excuse for human even in my standard, just because i didnt like him ,like at all. So feel free to count me as an scum of a human being. As for everything else, you can have a go at my blogs. I shall bring out darkest and well timidly lighted moments i have had. Good to be here...i guess.