
I was about 8 years old and my uncle was beating me with a stick. A kendo stick to be exact. He hit me on my arms my back my chest and even my stomach. And guess what I loved it. It was part of this grueling wing Chung training that helped me love and embrace pain at a healthy level. My uncle left an incredible mark on me, he inspired me to read to dream big and to out work everyone. That’s why when he left my life …..I was devastated. I mean I was lost and not really aware of what I should do. I worked hard but didn’t know where to apply it. It’s like I was swimming in the ocean but not sure of what direction I should go. I eventually figured it out and became one of the top rated therapists in the us. But as I stood there thinking what got me here I thought of him. Especially cause I had a meeting with a bunch of my brothers and cousins and we came to the same conclusion.