Amazing Hannah

Folks call me Amazing Hannah.I was born in northern Nigeria, Kano state to be precise.I've spent most of my life in the southern part of Nigeria where I have most of my cherished memories of my life as a child and my transition into adulthood. Like most other children who had the privilege to be raised by two united parents, my childhood recorded the glam, scars and whims that accompanies growth in a place like Nigeria. With the socio political/ economic trajectory in Nigeria, when I was born and now that growth has taken it's course, I have evolved and learnt to stay until I discover the gold in every situation. Life in my country is a sweet experience, one that is defined differently by different individuals. I choose to regard life in Nigeria as 'sweet' because today, that painful story of a nation whose leaders derive pleasure in failing it's citizens , has moulded lives to be better as in my case. I've learned to develop thick skin as a measure for survival.