Australopithecus The Creature That Walked Like Humans, Could Also Climb Trees Like Apes
An extinct primate which belongs to the genus of early Hominins which existed during the late Pliocene in Africa. They were terrestrial bipedal ape-like animals which possessed large teeths with thick enamel caps; and also had brains which were slightly larger than those of apes. were known to be short and stocky in shape, with certain features of apes such as thick waistlines, chimpanzee-like face and long arms. The males were slightly taller than the females in height; adult male were about 1.37 meters tall while females were about 1.14 meters tall. Also, they were able to communicate by using gestures.They ate mostly leaves, fruits, nuts, roots, seeds, insects like lizard, rats, etc. were able to walk upright on two legs like humans; also climbed trees like apes using their arms to pull up and were able to swing from one branch to the another with ease. Their skeletal features shows that they walk on the ground more often, though they could not walk long distance