Baby cares
Here is a summary of baby care in 10 points:
1. *Breastfeeding*: Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, then continued breastfeeding with solid foods until 12 months.
2. *Vaccinations*: Follow the recommended vaccination schedule to protect against serious diseases.
3. *Sleep Safety*: Place baby on their back to sleep, with a firm mattress and tight-fitting bedding.
4. *Hygiene*: Wash hands frequently, especially before handling baby or their food.
5. *Nutrition*: Provide a balanced diet with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
6. *Hydration*: Ensure adequate hydration, especially during hot weather or when sick.
7. *Skin Care*: Keep skin clean and moisturized, and protect from excessive sun exposure.
8. *Eye Care*: Monitor for signs of eye infections and seek medical attention if necessary.
9. *Ear Care*: Monitor for signs of ear infections and seek medical attention if necessary.
10. *Regular Check-ups*: Schedule regular health check-ups with your pediatrician to