It’s the imagination to go forward
Ken_ token
Quick lessons from Axie infinity
I came in contact with the crypto space in late 2020, and my case was that of finding the rabbit hole, I found myself going all in. By 2021 people were finding it hard to believe that I'm not up to a year in the crypto space. Well, I owe my quick apprehension of the crypto industry to Safehaven academy as their style of teaching made it possible for me to find a path as a fundamental analyst. One of my biggest wins then was discovering AXS at 0.8 The lessons I learned from Axie are this. 1. Asse
Infinity incorporated Page
Original comic art page from the infinity incorporated comic, set within the Zero Unit comic universe
Caricature Design
This is first time caricature design I will upload on this platform, this was designed using Photoshop by inspiration.
Infinity stone
IRON MAN My Best Marvel Character and Avenger
Iron man is a quite brilliant character, who at any moment in life he faces obstacles, finds a suitable solution to them, always comes back better than he was previously, his quite a resilient human.
Infinity incorporated #1
The agents of Zero Unit are hunting down members of the cabal syndicate, in their search, they come into conflict against a dangerous and powerful enemy
This picture is taken by my smartphone realme 8 pro My goal is to become a wild life photographer but don't have money to buy a camera buy the photos if you like it please
Have them till infinity
Love infinity
हेयाशी वैम्पायर किंगडम की प्रिंसेस है जिसकी कॉन्ट्रैक्ट मैरेज एक वुल्फ़ प्रिंस से तय की गई थी,हेया को यह शादी किसी भी क़ीमत पर मंजूर नहीं था इसीलिए वह शादी के दिन ही अपने इस अनचाही शादी से भाग जाती है और ट्रांसपोर्ट होकर पहुँच जाती है पृथ्वी पर जहां उसकी मुलाकात होती है, रायजादा फ़ैशन एंड डिजाइनिंग इंडस्ट्री के सीईओ शव्यांश रायजादा से जो एक एरोगेंट और सेल्फ ऑब्सेस्ट आदमी है,तो कैसे रहेगी इनकी फर्स्ट एक्सीडेंटल मीटिंग?और क्या करेगा पर्थ जब उसे अपनी दुल्हन के ग़ायब होने के बारे में ख़बर मिलेगी?