Share - I love you all
Harris smith
You call it madness, but I call it love
a girl asked a boy if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". He said " I don`t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die
Future Anthony joshua
Love is peaceful and gives butterflies
Afrikan Kid
The scribbles of your name on my fleshless skull Found their way to my untamed soul There presence landed on my un beating heart You were a spirit worth the wait Funny how lack of flesh comes with no cold embraces your sockets give me the warmest stares Smiles with no lips yet am the happiest there can ever be We are not meant for their world For we hold our own Its beauty in our darkness In each others fleshless arms We dare to breath Our bones are one Our breathe is unlimited Because till dea
Hello all my followers I hope you all are well friends my topic today is Madinah
Hello all my followers I hope you all are well friends my topic today is Madinah Sharif Every Muslim in life wants to go to Madinah Sharif and after going there to this holy place Every Muslim finds peace of mind when he visits and worships his Lord as much as possible. السلام علیکم میرے تمام فالورز میں امید کرتا ہوں کہ آپ سب خیریت سے ہوں گے دوستوں آج کا میرا جو ٹاپک ہے وہ ہے مدینہ شریف زندگی میں ہر مسلمان بندے کی کی یہ خواہش ہوتی ہے کہ وہ مدینہ شریف جائےاور وہاں جاکر کر وہ اس مقدس جگہ کی زیارت کرے اور زیادہ سے زیادہ اپنے رب کی عبادت کرے وہاں پہنچ کر ہر مسلمان دلی سکون حاصل کرتا ہے ہے اور یہ واقعی ہی ایسی جگہ ہے جہاں پر انسان کی روح خوش ہو جاتی ہے
Fahad Malik
My all brother
My cute doggy old photo 🥰
small baby
like the small baby photo
Beauty of sky
Clouds are looking awesome
Abdul mannan
Hy i am new .need you all love and support
Just like and share
I love you all in the city
I love everyone