Technology for Education
Educational technology is a set of Information and Communication resources, processes and tools applied to the structure and activities of the educational system in its various fields and levels.
The digital age has revolutionized every aspect of our daily lives, and in education it was no different.
The industrial age is being replaced by the computer age, so new challenges and needs are anticipated in the educational field.
This phenomenon is part of the digital transformation that has introduced the participation of technology in education, also known as «educational technology».
The incorporation of new technologies within schools has changed educational methods to such an extent that spaces are opened for digital culture in classrooms.
However, this explanation is insufficient to understand its impact today, so it is necessary that we expose its role today.
In this article, you will see some of the main advances achieved in this segment and the future projections of educational technology.
What role does technology have in education?
What are the pillars of educational technology?
What changes has technology brought to education?
What are the advantages of technology in education?
What are the challenges of educational technology?
What examples of educational technology tools are there?
What can we expect from educational technology in the future?
What role does technology have in education?
When educational problems find a solution in the use of information technology, that is, in the use of computers and more telecommunications equipment for storing , transmitting and manipulating data, we speak of technology in education.
In other words, we understand that educational technology is about the use of technological devices for educational purposes .
Currently, the personnel of educational centers have the possibility of acquiring internet, computers, digital boards, mobile phones and tablets to share their knowledge or organize classes and assignments.
These facilities have managed to adapt educational methods to the digital age, where there is a greater number of teaching and learning resources for both teachers and students.
Students can access much more information through the implementation of new technologies that, incidentally, also open new spaces for fun and expression, such as games and blogs.
What are the pillars of educational technology?
The new educational models have been created under the awareness that the future of our society depends on three technological areas, namely: programming, robotics and 3D printing .
These areas are the pillars of educational technology:
Teaching programming goes beyond preparing students for a technological job field. Students solve self-correction processes, as they learn to locate errors in complex problems.
Programming works by promoting the learning of logic, creativity , finding solutions and entrepreneurship.
Robotics is the subject that allows a device or robot to be programmed, teaching it a set of instructions so that it can execute them autonomously.
Programming a robot allows students to physically see programming errors and their limits, as well as learn to use precise language.
Learning this subject provides a solution to the growing demand for science and engineering in future jobs since, thanks to the advances of the digital age, people capable of programming these devices will be needed.
3d print
3D printing is becoming very important for the design of models or prototypes in various areas of our lives.
Medicine, engineering, textile industry and more use this technology successfully, it can also be used for geography and art.
Thanks to 3D printing, students learn about new technologies and their use, but it also helps them understand complex theories since it exemplifies them.
What changes has technology brought to education?
A few years ago, students could only access education in person. They had large amounts of books and notebooks, and searching for information manually was much more time consuming. Information on paper was indispensable.
Technology brought with it the ability to study online , which simplifies access to education in terms of place and time, finding information is much easier, and huge databases can be accessed quickly.
Today people can access information from any smart device and even attend conferences through video calls.
The creation of projects is much easier, since technology brought new tools that supplant the paper. In short, technology in education has made learning easier, more comfortable, and even affordable.
The digital age does not stop, so it is important that teachers and specialists are aware of new technologies in order to prepare their students.
What are the advantages of technology in education?
The advantages of educational technology are numerous.
Students can interact, play and learn from various platforms, which fosters a climate of participation during classes. They can also learn remotely and at flexible times, and customize their lessons according to their needs.
As for teachers, they have excellent organizational, planning, and teaching tools, saving a great deal of time for reviewing or moving forward faster.
Technology platforms can integrate all school staff, as students share concerns, teachers manage their groups, and administrators monitor class achievements.
Thanks to educational technology, school personnel can be aware of their students and attend to their needs. There are educational software to identify early the risk of dropping out, this in order to provide support to students.
We will also mention that betting on educational technology implies, in the long run, great economic savings and even ecological care, since class materials and even transportation to attend a lesson may not be necessary.
What are the challenges of educational technology?
The implementation of technological tools and solutions in education faces challenges that must be overcome.
The benefits of using technology are obvious, but they also come with responsibilities. Adapting to change is the main task of any educational institution.
The methodology of education has changed, since the student instead of memorizing, focuses on the search, analysis and interpretation of information.
By introducing technology to classrooms, school staff and students learn to work collaboratively.
There is a need to train teachers in the use of new technologies so that they can incorporate them into their classes. Teachers must be constantly updated in technological advances, this in order to provide quality education.
Let's not forget that the digital age requires a paradigm shift in which students are no longer preparing for an industrial world but for a computer world.
The task and evaluation systems must be adapted to the technologies, so that the students can face the challenges of the current reality.
What examples of educational technology tools are there?
We have already seen the pillars that support educational technology, it is time to discuss the most used tools that are in force today.
The first one is known as LMS ( Learning Magangement System ), a tool that manages study and online learning.
The various activities can be administered, distributed and evaluated in a virtual training, the idea is that learning is accessible, flexible and friendly and involves all school personnel, from administrators to students.
Another tool is virtual reality, which is the visual perception of the specific moment or environment. This in the educational field provides the opportunity to recreate scenarios that were only found in books.
Human body, historical landscapes, places in the world, extinct animals ... The student will have access to a virtual collection that will allow them to learn from experience.
Students and teachers also have access to educational video games where memory, logical reasoning, concentration, spatial orientation and coordination are exercised.
Such experiences will help students develop competencies useful for careers in engineering, arts, and even architecture.
Finally, in higher grades, the aim is for students to manage tools of curricular value, organizational tools capable of instantly sharing files, communication and debate platforms and programs that they will find in future jobs.
What can we expect from educational technology in the future?
The digital age is moving by leaps and bounds, technology focused on education cannot and should not be left behind.
One of the most important aspects to focus on is controlling student learning. The monitoring and revision of the students is an important factor for the incorporation of technologies within any class.
In the end, the technological tools are focusing on providing a solution for the monitoring of the students and above all so that they can learn and adapt to the constant changes in technology.
Another aspect is that students no longer have to follow the rhythm dictated by the teacher, which eliminates part of the student's tension towards learning.
In this way, the student develops skills and aptitudes in his own time, form and taste in a totally personalized way.
Simplicity, monitoring and user adaptation are the main aspects in which educational technology can focus for the innovation of new tools and new methods of working in the future.
Education technology tools are predicted to find their way into mobile telephony in a much better way than they do today.
Banning these devices in classrooms will be a thing of the past. The training of teachers who are capable of creating educational content for the cell phone will be a necessity.
Another area of opportunity for education technology is artificial intelligence. The development of this technology has grown rapidly, but its implementation in classrooms will take a little longer.
Your drive can focus on better smart tutoring systems. We can imagine cognitive tutors who mimic the role of teachers, so they will guide the lessons in different disciplines.
Let's think about virtual teaching that will offer solutions when students have learning problems.
We know that there are already platforms or programs that practice the role of a teacher, however the development of artificial intelligence will reach new levels.
The prognosis is clear: these kinds of tools will be a central axis in teaching methods.
The benefits will be numerous, but educational institutions will have to complement advanced artificial intelligence in their face-to-face learning models and interaction with other people.
How? It is our task to find out.
The educational environment is in a process of transition. Society is evolving from an industrial mindset to a fully computerized approach.
People's daily life is changing and they are facing new tools that make the old methods of exercising an activity disappear.
An example of this is the success of shopping online, also the approach with companies through social networks. Such everyday interactions with technology have changed the world and therefore educational methods.
Schools have to leave behind the old paradigms that prepare people for a world that is ceasing to exist, that is, for an industrial society.
The way schools manage time, the division of subjects, the bureaucracy of the school itself, as well as the hierarchy between administration, teachers and students is a preview of what would await the student in an industrial world.
Technological development brought with it a change in mentality and therefore a transition to the very structure of the educational field, people are already preparing for the digital age and there are jobs that could not be dreamed of before.
It is essential to have an educational system that is based on Educational Technologies, that encompasses and provides a solution to human needs for the challenges of the present.
Education that does not focus on memorization but on analysis, concentration and decision making. Education technology presents simple and adaptable tools to the needs of students and the society where they develop.