The G in my Gift.
Shhhh! Can you here it? That rumbling sound....
It's like the dry heavy wind from the desert...
I can't only here it I can feel it, taste it....
It feels dry but it quenched my thirst.
Rolled-in in dirt, I looked like a package, except I wasn't but I was looking for one.
A part of me had lost hope on finding it but I was in the right channel
My faith was frekle and my light had become deem but even the weakest hope responds to Love.
I thought I lost a package but I found a gift, wrapped in fine linens of beauty, adornment and kindness,
I could barely look away from what has ravaged my sight..
Wondering if I should take my chances, but I did...
All this time I was only one question away from discovering what I just found...a treasure, but how?
It just kept getting better, the closer I looked the more glory I saw and now, I just can't get enough of you.
Everyday spent with you feels like unraveling one more treasure, more beauty, more love...that's enough adventure for me.
It feels as though I have known you for years but it's just been days and it doesn't matter at all because every time am with you I feel connected to something bigger than all of it, I feel connected to you.
It took me years to find you but it only took a couple of minutes to connect to you, that's how I know I've found a true friend in you so
I've found the G in my Gift
I found the Gift I cherish so much.