Urban Life: The term urban simply refers to the region or area which is densely populated and possesses the characteristics of the man-made surroundings. The people residing in such an area, are engaged in trade, commerce or services. In this settlement, there is high scale industrialization that results in better employment opportunities. The Urban settlement is not confined to the cities only, but towns and suburbs (suburban areas) are also included in it
The term ‘rural’ as a region located on the outskirts. It refers to a small settlement, which is outside the boundaries of a city, commercial or industrial area. It may include, countryside areas, villages or hamlets, where there are natural vegetation and open spaces. There is a low density of the population in such an area. The primary source of income of the residents is agriculture and animal husbandry. Cottage Industries also form a chief source of income here.A Village is a small community with Agriculture.