People of afganistan
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(Tanvir Sadiq, Lahore)
Pakistani people are also strange. Afghans may not be as concerned about the changing situation in Afghanistan as our people are. Wherever a friend is found, the first question is what the situation is in Afghanistan. Am I rarely talk about politics and the political situation, but I do listen to such baseless and baseless comments, incomprehensible analyzes, and free advice given to the Government of Afghanistan, which is limited to the giver. And I enjoy it. There is a lot of interest in such ignorant intelligence. The level of such ignorance is a bit high in TV talk shows but there is a lot of humor in the streets, alleys and general gatherings.
Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban in the 1990s. I taught at a local college. A gentleman came to our college from a college outside Lahore. The room we three or four mathematicians got in college was relatively larger than the other rooms, and also had a kitchen and an attached bathroom. There would be a tea party at ten or eleven o'clock and many college teachers would join us, including the new teachers. He was short, with a long beard and a public suit. I tried many times to make him talk but he would save himself from all my heirs and everyone thought that maybe he is deaf and dumb. Sometimes he would smile and turn his face from left to right, but he would refrain from answering.
One day we were drinking tea when a friend came to visit. I don't know what they thought while talking. I started asking them what is the situation in Afghanistan. What would the non-political servant answer? Suddenly my veins burst with humor. I said, "Brother, I don't know that much, but today, fortunately, the younger brothers of such and such a famous leader of Afghanistan are sitting with us." I changed the suffix of his name and added the suffix of the name of this famous leader to his name. And tell your friend to ask, they can tell you better. I thought he would be as quiet today as ever. But today she turned around. My friend's first question was that you are his real brother. He said very seriously, I am a real brother. My friend thought I had met him. He asked me to inform him about the latest situation. I got the answer. There are many provinces in Afghanistan and my brother's group occupies Kabul and many areas. But in such and such a province, such and such a group is causing trouble. In such and such an area is dominated by such and such a leader. Some people want to divide Afghanistan. They talked for two hours. I was amazed that the information of this deaf and dumb person is so much that he seems to be an expert in Afghan affairs. Two hours later my friend left and he started telling me. Ask me if he is your real brother. They do not even know that true Muslims are better than real brothers.
There was a gentleman with me in a college in Lahore. He was a wonderful man. If you saw him in the morning, crossing the ground, he would be rushing towards the building. There was a lot of oil on his head. So much so that the clothes would have been ruined by dripping, the dirty suit was also full of oil stains. Scissors slippers on Monday. He would shout at the first person he saw to stop. If he stopped, tell him to ask, two plus seven, the answer is nine. One plus eight, then the answer would be nine. If he had asked ten or fifteen such questions in a row, the answer would have been nine. Gradually all the staff came to know this secret. Asking questions, he would immediately walk somewhere. In the morning I would go to a class and ask the teacher why he was taking my class. Even though he explained that it was his own class, he would not believe it. Then a crowd of teachers and boys would take them to the notice board. It turns out that his period is twelve o'clock. I am sorry that I have come in a hurry. I think I should go back home and take a shower and come back on time. The boys would drop them off at the college gate and laugh, but they were government beneficiaries and were teaching even in these circumstances.
An elderly teacher would read something every other day in college on a rosary attached to a pillar. If I tried to talk to them, I would forbid them to signal that I was busy at the moment. Telling everyone the other day, yesterday was the match. Look, Pakistan has won. I was controlling my client at that time to win the match for my team. If attention is diverted, they turn left and right, then it takes time to handle and there is a danger of losing the match. Would have been blindfolded and engaged in scholarship for the success of You will see many such servants in government jobs. All these servants are mentally ill to some extent. Their presence in the institutions is extremely detrimental to the environment there. But these are the people who are visible. People do not feel the need to harm those who seem to be fine, but in today's situation, government jobs are for the national loss. Only an honest person seems to be honest and honest people are the ones who are practically useless.
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BAbout the Author: Tanvir Sadiq
Read More Articles by Tanvir Sadiq: 459 Articles with 263683 views Teaching for the last 46 years, presently Associate Professor in Punjab University .. View More
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